I’m Kris Stern, with a PhD in Physics/Astrophysics from the University of Hong Kong (HKU). I am professionally a Software Engineer based in Hong Kong.
I started volunteering for the Jenkins project, most notably in the Google Summer of Code (GSoC) Special Interest Group since January 2022. I am an org admin for the Google Summer of Code (GSoc) program at Jenkins since 2021, and have either lead mentored or co-mentored numerous projects successfully since I started mentoring. I have also adopted the Jenkins Build Timeout Plugin as a maintainer as of February 2022, the Jenkins GitLab Plugin as a maintainer as of January 2023, the Jenkins GitLab OAuth Plugin as a maintainer as of April 2023, and the Jenkins Docker Plugin as a maintainer as of September 2023. I have also become a Jenkins Bill of Materials (BOM) for Jenkins Plugins maintainer to faciliate their weekly releases on occasion since September 2024. I was made a member of the Jenkins Release Team as of October 2023, and I have contributed as a new point LTS Release Lead on occasion since sometime before that.
I am a CI/CD Cybersecurity SIG member as of January 2025: CI/CD Cybersecurity SIG Overview.
I have an account on Mastodon. You are welcome to follow me at https://mastodon.social/@krisstern where I occasionally share my software engineering escapades there.