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Data warehouse setup

Luca Bösch edited this page Nov 21, 2023 · 31 revisions

Setup of the Data warehouse part using an Oracle Academy Cloud Program service

Given that you are in possession of a Oracle cloud account–in this example here, a Oracle Academy Cloud Program–access, log in to your account.

Oracle account login

Autonomous Data Warehouse

Using the left hand side navigation "Databases" entry, go to "Autonomous Data Warehouse".

Navigation to "Autonomous Data Warehouse"

Click the "Create Autonomous Database" button (don't be confused if, even though you've chosen the 'Autonomous Data Warehouse' button, the title reads 'Autonomous Database.' The two terms seem to be often used interchangeably).

"Create Autonomous Database" button

In the following page, choose a "Display name" as well as a "Database name" and create credentials for the "ADMIN" user. Under "License", choose "License included", and add a "Contact email" address and leave all other settings untouched.

Create Autonomous Database page

Then, wait until the state changes from "PROVISIONING" to "AVAILABLE". You also will be notified by mail.

After this, click the "Database actions" button and authenticate with the created credentials for user "ADMIN".

Database actions page

Note that the following steps can also be done by running a query instead of performing manually by running the SQL script create_users_and_schemas.sql (after having edited in the desired passwords). If you have created the users and schemas by script, continue the setup under the title Pre-Authenticated Request URL enabled Object Storage Bucket.

When creating the users manually, scroll down to the "Administration" section, then click the "DATABASE USERS" tile.

Database actions "Database users" tile

Then, using the "Create user" button, create five other users, named "MONITORING", "STAGING", "CLEANSING", "CORE" and "MART" which will then simultaneously also create eponymous schemas.

ADMIN database user's "Create user" button

Set "Graph" and "Web Access" to "On" and "Quota on tablespace DATA" to "UNLIMITED" and set credentials. "Create user" panel

The ADMIN user and five additional users with their corresponding schemas are now available for use.

One additional thing is missing for successful transfer of query result data: the object storage bucket.

Pre-Authenticated Request URL enabled Object Storage Bucket

Using the left hand side navigation "Storage" entry, go to "Buckets" under "Object Storage & Archive Storage".

Navigation to "Storage"

Click the "Create Bucket" button.

Oracle cloud "Create bucket"

Confirm the creation of the bucket, which will be named bucket-yyyymmdd-hhss (e.g. bucket-20230617-2232) containing the parameters of the current time, without making any changes to the overlay presented.

Make sure in the properties of the bucket, activate "Emit Object Events".

Then, to allow the desired data exchange, there is the need to activate Pre-Authenticated Requests. So, do click the according navigation link.

Oracle Object Storage Bucket "Pre-Authenticated Requests" link

And then click the "Create Pre-Authenticated Request" button.

Oracle Object Storage Bucket "Create Pre-Authenticated Requests" button

In the overlay, leave the settings as is, and set "Access Type" to "Permit objects reads and writes", and set "Expiration" to a date until data upload is required.

Oracle Object Storage Bucket "Create Pre-Authenticated Requests"

The resulting Pre-Authenticated Request URL is shown, and has to be copied.

Oracle Object Storage Bucket Pre-Authenticated Request URL

For later read access by the provided scripts, an Object Store Auth Token has to be created, as explained in although the menu entry is on a different place than explained in that document.

Oracle Object Store Auth Token

As Database user STAGING, then run the following procedure.


  DBMS_CLOUD.create_credential (

    credential_name => 'OBJ_STORE_CRED',

    username => '<your username>',

    password => '<your Auth Token>'

  ) ;




  1. Wiki Home

  2. Moodle plugin installation
    Installation instructions for the Moodle plugin

  3. Data warehouse setup
    Setup instructions for the data warehouse

  4. Queries for the Data Warehouse side Queries available to be run in the Data Warehouse part of the system

  5. Queries for the Moodle side
    Queries available to be run in the Moodle part of the system

  6. Documentation regarding the Moodle Database and Moodle functionalities Documentation about the inner mechanics of the Moodle LMS system

  7. Structure of tables in the Data Warehouse Documentation about the modeling of the tables inside the Data Warehouse

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