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This is a project of Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University (SPbPU) students based on course Big Data. More information can be found at presentation: docs/2019_OpenEdu_Concept_v2.pptx

Project goal

OpenEdu portal provides an information about user activity on the course in the log file.

Since the log can be large enough (for example, it can be about 18GB and may contain more than 10 000 000 actions), then its manual analysis becomes impossible.

The project goal is to create an infrastructure with set of default analytic tasks that can be applyed on any OpenEdut course.

Getting started


  • Windows 10 (x64)

Technology stack

The First run

In order to start working with project just launch bin\startup.bat. The script then perform following actions:

  • clean workdir, system_logs and result and create them if not exist;
  • install required software from soft folder;
  • copy logs from input folder to workdir;
  • create PostgreSQL database and launch server;
  • ingest the data to database;
  • ask a user on which the analytic task to execute;
  • after the analytic task is executed, then the result can be found in result folder.

The Second run

If the software (Python, its packages and PostgreSQL) is already installed, if the database is already exists and the data is already loaded, then user may use only:

  • launch PostgreSQL server with corresponding batch script in the bin directory
  • launch query_analytic_task.bat script from 'bin' directory' in order to see the results

Custom run

The scripts in bin folder allows a user flexible operations over the analytic utility. User may run server, load data, clean working directory or run analytic tasks independently. But it is required a bit of experience with the product.

OpenEdu logs

The OpenEdu portal provides an activity log in JSON format. More precisely, log is a multiline file, where each line is an JSON object.

Edx even types documentation

There is a most full docs in Edx Research Guide

Description of common log fields

Description of edx event types

Description of course team events

Example of log line

The below log line shows the even generated for the user action, when starting playing video

	"username": "proud-glamorous-spottedhyena",
	"event_source": "browser",
	"name": "play_video",
	"accept_language": "ru-RU,ru;q=0.9,en-US;q=0.8,en;q=0.7",
	"time": "2018-09-17T09:06:05.756647+00:00",
	"agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/68.0.3440.106 Safari/537.36",
	"page": "",
	"host": "",
	"session": "fa9c50d7084768b72f308c8d1f5e9a8e",
	"referer": "",
	"context": {
		"user_id": 150319,
		"org_id": "spbstu",
		"course_id": "course-v1:spbstu+PHYLOS+fall_2018",
		"path": "/event"
	"ip": "anon_f25ec949f0b37ae92ce8808b5d54f20dd124441261a895fc1900de95b9fac77e",
	"event": "{\"code\": \"html5\", \"id\": \"25f98e9e5c8f44ce8ecb388317824c36\", \"currentTime\": 0}",
	"event_type": "play_video"

Relative works


Code-style for Python scripts is defined by PEP 8 standard. It may be found on the official website:

Also PEP8-codestyle auto-check may be plugged into the IDE (e.g. PyCharm).

Test environment

TODO: Nikita needs to be asked about VM IP and creds

Useful links

Edx docs: Installing, Configuring, and Running the Open edX Platform: Hawthorn Release

There is a Python library to work with edx. It may help us.

Edx tools are here

Edx REST API Guide and Authentication


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