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michaelficarra edited this page Aug 9, 2012 · 10 revisions
expected completion completion date description
Mon, 4 June Mon, 4 June define a reasonable subset of CoffeeScript
Wed, 6 June Wed, 6 June design the intermediate data representations
Thu, 7 June Fri, 8 June choose a platform for building the bootstrapping compiler; haskell? jashkenas/coffee-script?
Fri, 8 June Fri, 8 June implement the AST constructors
Mon, 11 June Mon, 11 June choose a parsing strategy and library
Wed, 27 June Mon, 25 June define a parser that can parse my subset of CoffeeScript
Thu, 28 June on hold a simple code generator for CS ASTs, cscodegen
Fri, 6 July Fri, 6 July start writing the optimising transformations
Wed, 11 July Mon, 9 July get the optimiser working
Fri, 3 August in progress start writing the transformations from CS ASTs to JS ASTs
in progress start pulling in the test suite from jashkenas/coffee-script
use Mozilla’s source map generator to generate source maps
finish up cscodegen
finish writing the transformations from CS ASTs to JS ASTs
enhance escodegen to accept a grammar for generating CSTs
expand the language and include all the features we initially left out
start using it to compile popular projects; see if they continue to pass their test suites
pass the current CS compiler’s entire test suite
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