This project includes a bunch of random scripts for serving this to a LAN and providing https from local host. The terminal + shell code is in term.odd.html, the callbacks the terminal uses are in bin.js, and odd.js is a 'user space' appliction for writing scripts in odd-term.
- Include and trust the provided .cer file. It's fine, I promise. A) 2. Run python3 3. Click the link (that it produces) B) 2. Find someone running 3. Click the link they give you
To get a CA and cert for yourself, run the following commands:
brew install mkcert
brew install nss # if you use Firefox
mkcert -install
Make sure to run register-odd <username>
after you get it running to use the file system stuff!
- ✅ Tab completion
- ✅ History persistence to file system
- ✅ File upload
- ✅ better styling and interactions
- ✅ Pipes
- ✅ Directory manipulation
- ✅ Move command
- Mv command .. and . and / aware (absolutize paths + trim trailing slashes)
- Context aware tab completion (report type of cursor position)
- Quote line continuation when hitting enter on quotes (+ expand buffer to handle multiple lines)
- Refactor into something that everyone can use