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A library for loading and playing audio using HTML 5 for Angular 7/8/9/10/11/12.

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A simple, clean, responsive player for playing multiple audios with playlist support.

alt tag

Working Demo


ngx-audio-player is available via npm and yarn

Using npm:

$ npm install ngx-audio-player --save

Using yarn:

$ yarn add ngx-audio-player

Getting Started

NgxAudioPlayerModule needs Angular Material.
Make sure you have installed below dependencies with same or higher version than mentioned.

"@angular/core": "^12.0.0"
"@angular/common": "^12.0.0"
"@angular/material": "^12.0.0"
"rxjs": "^6.6.0"

Import NgxAudioPlayerModule in the root module(AppModule):

// Import library module
import { NgxAudioPlayerModule } from 'ngx-audio-player';

  imports: [
    // ...
export class AppModule { }


Simple Audio Player

<ngx-audio-player [autoPlay]="false" muted="muted"


import { Track } from 'ngx-audio-player';   

mssapDisplayTitle = true;
mssapDisablePositionSlider = true;
mssapDisplayRepeatControls = true;
mssapDisplayVolumeControls = true;
mssapDisplayVolumeSlider = false;
// Material Style Simple Audio Player
mssapPlaylist: Track[] = [
    title: 'Audio Title',
    link: 'Link to Audio URL',
    artist: 'Audio Artist',
    duration: 'Audio Duration in seconds'

// For Streaming Audio From URL 
// set mediaType = 'stream' 
mssapPlaylist: Track[] = [
    title: 'Audio Title',
    link: 'Link to Streaming URL',
    mediaType: 'stream'

Advanced Audio Player

<ngx-audio-player [autoPlay]="false" muted="muted"






import { Track } from 'ngx-audio-player';   

// Main Player Controls
msaapDisplayPlayList = true;
msaapDisablePositionSlider = true;
msaapDisplayRepeatControls = true;
msaapDisplayVolumeControls = true;
msaapDisplayVolumeSlider = false;

// Title Marquee
msaapDisplayTitle = true;

// Playlist Controls
msaapPageSizeOptions = [2,4,6];
msaapDisplayArtist = false;
msaapDisplayDuration = false;

// For Localisation
msaapTableHeader = 'My Playlist';
msaapTitleHeader = 'My Title';
msaapArtistHeader = 'My Artist';
msaapDurationHeader = 'My Duration';

// Material Style Advance Audio Player Playlist
msaapPlaylist: Track[] = [
        title: 'Audio One Title',
        link: 'Link to Audio One URL',
        artist: 'Artist',
        duration: 'Duration'
        title: 'Audio Two Title',
        link: 'Link to Audio Two URL',
        artist: 'Artist',
        duration: 'Duration'
        title: 'Audio Three Title',
        link: 'Link to Audio Three URL',
        artist: 'Artist',
        duration: 'Duration'

// Callback Events

onTrackPlaying(event) {
    // your logic which needs to
    // be triggered once the
    // track ends goes here.

onTrackPaused(event) {
    // your logic which needs to
    // be triggered once the
    // track ends goes here.

onEnded(event) {
    // your logic which needs to
    // be triggered once the
    // track ends goes here.

onNextTrackRequested(event) {
    // your logic which needs to
    // be triggered once the
    // track ends goes here.

onPreviousTrackRequested(event) {
    // your logic which needs to
    // be triggered once the
    // track ends goes here.

onTrackSelected(event) {
    // your logic which needs to
    // be triggered once the
    // track ends goes here.
Name Description Type
@Input() playlist: Track[]; playlist containing array of title and link mandatory
@Input() autoPlay: false; true - if the audio needs to be played automaticlly optional
Player Controls
@Input() startOffset = 0; offset from start of audio file in seconds optional
@Input() endOffset = 0; offset from end of audio file in seconds optional
@Input() disablePositionSlider = false; true - if the position slider needs to be disabled optional
@Input() displayRepeatControls = true; false - if the repeat controls needs to be hidden optional
@Input() repeat: "all" "one" "none" = 'all';
@Input() displayVolumeControls = true; false - if the volume controls needs to be hidden optional
@Input() displayVolumeSlider = true; true - if the volume slider should be shown optional
Title Marquee Control
@Input() displayTitle: true; false - if the audio title needs to be hidden optional
Playlist Controls
@Input() displayPlaylist: true; false - if the playlist needs to be hidden optional
@Input() pageSizeOptions = [10, 20, 30]; number of items to be displayed in the playlist optional
@Input() expanded = true; false - if the playlist needs to be minimized optional
@Input() displayArtist = false; true - if the artist data is to be shown optional
@Input() displayDuration = false; true - if the track duration is to be shown optional
Localisation Controls
@Input() tableHeader = 'Playlist'; localised string optional
@Input() titleHeader = 'Title'; localised string optional
@Input() artistHeader = 'Artist'; localised string optional
@Input() durationHeader = 'Duration'; localised string optional
Callback Events
@Output() trackPlaying: EventEmitter triggers when the track starts playing optional
@Output() trackPaused: EventEmitter Callback method that triggers once the track ends optional
@Output() trackEnded: EventEmitter Callback method that triggers once the track ends optional
@Output() nextTrackRequested: EventEmitter Callback method that triggers once the track ends optional
@Output() previousTrackRequested: EventEmitter Callback method that triggers once the track ends optional
@Output() trackSelected: EventEmitter Callback method that triggers once the track ends optional


ngx-audio-player will be maintained under the Semantic Versioning guidelines. Releases will be numbered with the following format:


For more information on SemVer, please visit

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people:

Edric Chan






Caleb Crosby




Simon Reinsch




Bogdan Baghiu


Kareem Jeiroudi




The MIT License (MIT)


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