Ansible Role for installing the Docker runtime environment on your (Debian) host.
- Requirements
- Install
- Role Variables
- Dependencies
- Example Playbook
- Contributing
- License
- Author Information
The role has been tested on Debian and Ubuntu 24.04 (LTS) target hosts. Other distribution have not been tested.
If your target machine has Python 3.12 or later, you need ansible 2.16 or later, otherwise downloading the apt key fails (see #17).
This role can be installed through your requirements.yml.
Please note that docker-compose
is now a part of the Docker client and
available through the docker compose
- name: netz39.host_docker
src: git+
version: v0.2.1
You can go with just the defaults.
:- Default: none If this variable is not set, no OpenPGP key fingerprint is checked!
- Description: Set the fingerprint of the debian repo signing key here to notice signing key changes.
:- Default:
- Description: Address to download the OpenPGP key, which is used to sign the third party apt repo.
:- Default: /etc/apt/keyrings
- Description: Directory to put the downloaded OpenPGP file into. Default is Debian standard path for such keys. Can be left on default in almost all cases.
:- Default:
- Description: Address of the third party apt repo to download Debian packages from. You might want to set this to the address of a local apt proxy like approx, apt-cacher or the like.
:- Default:
- Description: Enables a systemd timer to automatically prune Docker
images without container references. You can check the timer with
sudo systemctl list-timers --all
and the results withsudo journalctl -xeu docker-image-prune
- Default:
:- Default: /var/lib/docker
- Description: Persistent data directory where docker puts containers, images, volumes, etc. See Daemon data directory in docker documentation for details. Often set to a separate volume which is not the root volume of the machine docker is installed to.
:- Default: overlay2
- Description: See Select a storage driver in docker documentation for detailed description.
:- Default: empty
- Description: Enable IPv6 for the docker default network and set the given CIDR.
No external dependencies. Tested with ansible 2.14.18 on Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm).
- hosts: docker_host
become: true
- role: netz39.host_docker
- hosts: miraculix
become: true
- role: netz39.host_docker
docker_apt_uri: "http://deb.example.internal:9999/docker"
docker_apt_key_url: "{{ docker_apt_uri }}/gpg"
docker_apt_key_fpr: "9DC858229FC7DD38854AE2D88D81803C0EBFCD88"
docker_data_root: "/srv/docker"
docker_cron_image_prune: true
docker_v6_cidr: "2001:db8:1::/64"
Pull requests accepted.
This project is licensed unter the MIT License unless noted differently.
© 2024 Netz39 Administrators and contributors.
Notable amount of contributions by (in alphabetic order):
- Alexander Dahl (@LeSpocky)
- David (@24367dfa)
- Stefan Haun (@penguineer)