This is an online space for Nodeschool meetups on Bainbridge Island, Washington.
Learn more about us at http://nodeschool.io/bainbridge
Sign up for our next event at: http://www.meetup.com/IslandJS-Nodeschool
If you have any questions, use this form to contact us: https://github.com/nodeschool/bainbridge/issues
We own the GitHub organization, IslandJS, which acts as a staging location for different projects used in our workshops on the island.
We also own a Meetup Page: http://www.meetup.com/IslandJS-Nodeschool and Domain: http://islandjs.org.
Finally, our Facebook community page, IslandJS, and Twitter Stream also helps to support these efforts to let more people know about the group and our upcoming workshops and meetings!
You can find an installer for your operating system at: https://nodejs.org/en/download/
Once installed, open a Shell, Terminal, or Command Prompt depending on your Operating System and enter the following commands to ensure you have installed everything correctly. You should see the versions of npm and node returned:
npm -v
node -v
Once you have Node installed correctly, install the first two beginner workshops, learnyounode and javascripting:
- For Mac OS and Linux:
sudo npm install -g learnyounode javascripting
- For Windows: Open Command Prompt as Administrator and run:
npm install -g learnyounode javascripting
- Verify everything installed correctly by running
. You will see a menu like this:
There are lots of other workshops to choose from. Visit http://nodeschool.io for more information.
The easiest way to get started is to choose a good text editor designed for development purposes. If you already have a text editor you like to use, there is no need to read further. You are now ready for NodeSchool!
Otherwise, popular text editors include: Sublime, Atom, Brackets, VS Code, and Notepad++. Install any of those and we'll help you with the rest the next time we see you at a NodeSchool meetup.
If you run into any issues or have questions before joining us for a meetup, feel free to open an issue: https://github.com/nodeschool/bainbridge/issues.
If you have a technical issue getting Node or a Workshop installed, please be sure to include your Operating System and Node version as well to help with the troubleshooting.