python bind for stable-diffusion.cpp
a simple stable_diffusion_cpp python wrapper by using pybind11 and magic_enum, aim to provide a python interface for stable-diffusion.cpp to build upper application
if you use nvidia gpu, execute
CMAKE_ARGS="-DSD_CUBLAS=on" pip install git+
install -
if you use amd gpu, execute
CC=/opt/rocm/llvm/bin/clang CXX=/opt/rocm/llvm/bin/clang++ CMAKE_ARGS="-DSD_HIPBLAS=ON -DAMDGPU_TARGETS=gfx1100" pip install git+
install -
To upgrade and rebuild stable-diffusion-cpp-py add --upgrade --force-reinstall --no-cache-dir flags to the pip install command to ensure the package is rebuilt from source.