Active Directory Authentication Library
Warning: The API of this library is not yet stable. Expect breaking changes.
is a Go library for active directory authentication. It can be used to
quickly set up authentication options:
var (
ctx = context.Background()
authOpts = &adauth.Options{}
// --aes-key hex key Kerberos AES hex key
// --ccache file Kerberos CCache file name (defaults to $KRB5CCNAME, currently unset)
// --dc string Domain controller
// -k, --kerberos Use Kerberos authentication
// -H, --nt-hash hash NT hash ('NT', ':NT' or 'LM:NT')
// -p, --password string Password
// --pfx file Client certificate and private key as PFX file
// --pfx-password string Password for PFX file
// -u, --user user@domain Username ('user@domain', 'domain\user', 'domain/user' or 'user')
// Credentials for an arbitrary target:
creds, target, err := authOpts.WithTarget(ctx, "smb", pflag.Arg(0))
if err != nil { /* error handling */ }
// Only credentials are needed, no specific target:
creds, err := authOpts.NoTarget()
if err != nil { /* error handling */ }
// Credentials to authenticate to the corresponding DC:
creds, dc, err := authOpts.WithDCTarget(ctx, "ldap")
if err != nil { /* error handling */ }
It deduces as much information from the parameters as possible. For example, Kerberos authentication is possible even when specifying the target via IP address if reverse lookups are possible. Similarly, the domain can be omitted when the target hostname contains the domain.
The library also contains helper packages for LDAP and DCERPC, a Kerebros PKINIT implementation as well as helpers for creating and writing CCache files (see examples).
- Kerberos
- UnPAC-the-Hash
- Pass-the-Hash (RC4/NT or AES key)
- CCache (containing TGT or ST)
- Pass-the-Hash
- Kerberos, NTLM, Simple Bind
- mTLS Authentication / Pass-the-Certificate (LDAPS or LDAP+StartTLS)
- Channel Binding (Kerberos and NTLM)
- Kerberos, NTLM
- Raw endpoits (with port mapping)
- Named pipes (SMB)
- Signing
- Sealing
The LDAP helper package does not support authentication using RC4 service
tickets from ccache
, since Windows returns unsupported GSSAPI wrap tokens
during the SASL handshake when presented with an RC4 service ticket (see
However, it should still be possible to request an AES256 service ticket
instead, even when an NT hash was used for pre-authentication . Unfortunately,
impacket always requests RC4 tickets. This
behavior can be changed by adding
as the first
element of this
The LDAP library does not (yet) support LDAP signing, but it supports channel binding for LDAPS and LDAP+StartTLS which is typically sufficient as a workaround unless the server lacks a TLS certificate.