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ICBC Web Booking Availability Checker

This is a small program to check ICBC's available times based on their Qmatic web form here. The purpose this was created was due to the frustratingly limited capacity that ICBC has for bookings per day to a point that people have to constantly refresh their form to check for available dates.

Set up

Setup of this package is relatively simple.

Gmail Account (optional)

This tool can be used with a gmail account to send email notifications. To do this, 2FA must be disabled. Additionally, the account security must be lowered by removing this option:


Puppeteer (required)

Make sure puppeteer is installed correctly by following google's guide here

Package dependency install (required)

Install remaining dependencies:

npm install

In the config/config.yml section, the file shows what the config should look like. Additionally, if setting the email notification option to true, you must also configure config/email_config.yml

Setting up config.yml

Most of the fields in the file are pretty self explanatory However, I will still make an effort to outline them.


The N refers to which step of the form the selection is in. The example shown below is of step1 of the ICBC form. Also notice that the options are indexed starting from 0 instead of 1.



The interval in milliseconds represents the amount of delay between each check on the ICBC website. Since we don't want to be hammering their service, it's best to leave this to 5 minutes.

StartDate / EndDate:

The start date to be searched through in YYYY-MM-DD format


true / false value as a string indicating whether to send an email or not

Setting up email_config.yml

Move the email_config.template.yml to email_config.yml and fill in the required fields


This program can be run in the background by simply running it with:

node app.js


Feel free to let me know of any improvements you would like to see!