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0-Priority: High
0-Priority: High
1-Priority: Medium
1-Priority: Medium
2-Priority: Low
2-Priority: Low
Authorities/private registries
Authorities/private registries
Component structure and parsing
Component structure and parsing
Component value transformations
Component value transformations
Ecma specification
Ecma specification
Work on the core specification
good first issue
good first issue
help wanted
help wanted
Proposed new component
Proposed new component
Proposed new type
Proposed new type
PURL capitalization
PURL capitalization
PURL community
PURL community
Messaging and communication of PURL and its adopters
PURL core specification
PURL core specification
Format and syntax that define PURL (excludes PURL type definitions)
PURL documentation
PURL documentation
PURL encoding
PURL encoding
PURL generation
PURL generation
PURL goals
PURL goals
PURL governance
PURL governance
PURL max length
PURL max length
PURL miscellaneous slashes
PURL miscellaneous slashes
Covers slashes outside all of the PURL components, e.g., between 'pkg:' and the type value.
PURL name component
PURL name component
PURL namespace component
PURL namespace component