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Migration Guide 2.7

Clement Escoffier edited this page Sep 13, 2024 · 17 revisions

JNDI disabled by default

Except if one of the extensions you are using in your application requires it, JNDI is now disabled by default.

You can enable it with quarkus.naming.enable-jndi=true.

Kubernetes Client / OpenShift Client

The Kubernetes Client and OpenShift Client dependency has been updated to version 5.11.0. This version of the Fabric8 client includes some minor breaking changes.

These are the most notable breakages:

  • Watchers now default to request bookmarks, improving 410 exceptions (if supported by API server). If you are using the mock framework with explicit URIs, you may need to update your expected watch endpoints to include the parameter allowWatchBookmarks=true in your path expectations.
  • ExecListener no longer passes the okhttp3.Response to onOpen. onFailure will pass a simplified ExecListener.Response when possible.

You can check the rest on the Kubernetes Client 5.11.0 release notes.


The MariaDB/MySQL integration was moved to a separate dependency. See MariaDB/MySQL users need to add the following dependency from now on:



The quarkus-container-image-jib extension now uses a new base image when building a container image for JVM mode. Where previously fabric8/java-alpine-openjdk11-jre was being used, now if the application targets Java 17, is used as the base image, otherwise is used.

It's also worth noting that the new images do not run the application with the root user.

Furthermore, the working directory was changed to /home/jboss.


Some 1+ year old deprecated methods have been removed in Mutiny 1.3.0.

  • Multi.groupItems(): use instead.
  • Multi.transform(): use and Multi.skip() instead.
  • Multi.collectItems(): use Multi.collect() instead.
  • Multi.onOverflow().drop(Consumer): use Multi.onOverflow().invoke(Consumer).drop() instead.
  • Uni.cache() use Uni.memoize(): instead.

Supported Maven versions

2.7.0.Final and 2.7.1.Final releases require Maven version 3.8.1 or later. 2.7.2.Final release reverts this requirement back to Maven 3.6.2 and later.


Various changes where made to what used to the quarkus-junit5-vertx module.

  • First of all, the name was changed to quarkus-test-vertx, as this module now also provides support for internal Quarkus tests (i.e the quarkus-junit5-internal module).
  • Furthermore, the dependency on quarkus-junit5 was removed.
  • Finally, the API changed packages (from io.quarkus.test.junit.vertx to io.quarkus.test.vertx).

Current version

LTS versions

Next version in main

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