Don't let them generate too many chunks
This plugin is designed to help server owners who:
- cannot pregenerate their world
- have elytras enabled
- want to keep a playable view distance
This plugin will count the number of chunks generated by each player. At a certain threshold, it will start to punish the players by:
- increasing the damage to elytra
- make players risk losing their elytra
- decreasing their view distance
- Download the plugin and put it in your plugins folder.
- Optionally download the ProtocolLib
- Start the server once with the plugin enabled.
- Edit the config to your liking.
- Restart the server.
// do not touch
do_not_touch_config_version: 1
// whether to enable bStats statisics
bStats: true
// default settings for all worlds, you can specify per world settings by
// creating a config section with the world name
// whether to enable features for the world
enabled: true
// number of chunks generated before the player is punished
punishThreshold: 600
// max distance at which we consider chunk generation
chunkGenDistance: 32
// the rate of cooling down the number of chunks, this is twice per second
// so setting this to 16 means that player can generate 32 chunks per second
coolingRate: 16
// how much faster is the cooling rate when player stacked up a large number
// the lower the value, the more cooling is speeded up
coolingSpeedup: 1.25
// the view distance values to set when the player is punished
- 8
- 6
- 4
// the threshold at which we set the specified view distance
// e.g view distance of 8 at 800 chunks, 6 at 1600 chunks, 4 at 3200 chunks
- 1.0
- 2.0
- 4.0
// whether to enable elytra damage
elytraDamage: true
// the starting multiplier to the elytra damage, grows exponentially
elytraDamageMultiplier: 3.0
// whether to enable elytra vanish
elytraVanish: true
// the multiplier exceeding which the player might lose their elytra
elytraVanishMultiplier: 60
- bypass the punishmentstoomanygen.command
- use commandstoomanygen.command.reload
- use reload command
/toomanygen reload
- reload the config, not recommended to use in production