Write-PSHost tool for PowerShell
Write-PSHost is a replacement for Write-Host with enchanced color lookup.
The colors for ForegroundColor and BackgroundColor can be defined as
Type | Example Value | Comment |
ConsoleColor | [System.ConsoleColor]::DarkRed | .NET color type |
Color | [System.Drawing.Color]::Green | Drawing primitive color |
Int32 | 4 | Index to convert to ConsoleColor |
String | "`e[38;5;4m" | Ansi 16 colour escape sequence |
String | "`e[38;5;192;m" | Ansi 216 colour escape sequence |
String | "`e[38;5;243;m" | Ansi 24 gray scale escape sequence |
String | "`e[38;2;192;233;63" | Ansi 256/256/256 RGB value escape sequence |
String | "#453332" | Hex RGB value |
String | "Blue" | Name lookup as ConsoleColor |
String | "Navy" | Name lookup as KnownColor |
String | "ErrorColor" | Property lookup from result of Get-PSReadLineOption |
Once the true color has been determined then the closest ConsoleColor is used.
Messages are written using WriteInformation with HostInformationMessage.
Write-PSHost [[-Object] <Object>] [-NoNewline] [-Separator <Object>] [-ForegroundColor <Object>] [-BackgroundColor <Object>]