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This project started out as a script to copy a playlist from my account as a Plex Server owner to another user's account (on the same server). Slowly it got broken up into separate functions and became a simple PowerShell module.

See the Changelog for a list of changes.

Getting Started:

  1. Install the module from the PowerShell Gallery: Install-Module -Name PSPlex.
  2. Run: Set-PlexConfiguration. You will be prompted to enter your Plex account name and password. If you have MFA enabled, add , to the end of your password followed by the code.
  3. Try a command from the 'Simple Examples' below.

Simple Examples:

Get a list of users you've shared with:


Get a list of libraries and select the title, type and key (Id):

Get-PlexLibrary | Select title,type,key

Get all the items from a library called 'Films' that are unwatched:

Get-PlexItem -LibraryTitle 'Films' | Where-Object { $Null -eq $_.lastViewedAt }

Get collections from library '3' show only the title and ratingKey (Id):

Get-PlexCollection -LibraryId 3 | Select title,ratingKey

Get playlists:


Remove a playlist for your account:

Remove-PlexPlaylist -Id 12345

Remove a share for a user:

Remove-PlexShare -LibraryId 5 -Username ''

Create a smart collection:

$Library = Get-PlexLibrary -Name 'movies'
New-PlexSmartCollection -Name "Harry Potter" -LibraryId $Library.key -Filter "Title Contains Harry Potter"

Remove a collection called 'test' a library called 'movies'

$Library = Get-PlexLibrary -Name 'movies'
Get-PlexCollection -LibraryId $Library.key | Where-Object { $_.title -eq 'test' } | Select -Expand ratingKey | Remove-PlexCollection

More complex examples:

Get a user and the libraries you've shared with them:

Get-PlexShare -Username 'friendusername' | Select username,@{Name='Shared';Expression={$_.Section | Where-Object { $_.Shared -eq 1 } | Select -Expand Title }}

Get a user and their access token (for use in further automation, see the next few examples):

$User = Get-PlexUser -Username 'friendusername' -IncludeToken
  • Get playlists for a different account:

    • Get-PlexPlaylist -AlternativeToken $User.Token
  • Remove a playlist for a different account:

    • Remove-PlexPlaylist -Id 54321 -AlternativeToken $User.Token

Copy a playlist from your account to another account (e.g. a friend you have shared content with):

Copy-PlexPlaylist -Id 54321 -Username 'friendusername' -verbose

Copy all playlists from your account to another account:

Get-PlexPlaylist | Foreach-Object { Copy-PlexPlaylist -Id $_.ratingKey -Username 'friendusername' }

Copy a single playlist to all users:

$Users = Get-PlexUser
$Users | Foreach-Object { Copy-PlexPlaylist -Id 54321 -Username $_.username }

Stop sessions where Safari is being used:

Get-PlexSession | Where-Object { $_.Player.platform -eq 'Safari' } | Stop-PlexSession -Reason 'Use a better browser'

Helper Scripts:

A repository has been created designed to host a collection of helper scripts built around this module, for performing tasks that may be useful. Will grow over time.


  1. The Plex API has a little inconsistency with the naming of unique indentifiers for certain objects. For example, users have id properties, whereas libraries have key properties. Other objects have ratingKey. This makes passing identifiers sometimes odd/confusing. Please raise an issue if you get stuck.

  2. Some functions return data fairly 'raw' - that is, without any helpful formatting to display the most commonly used fields (etc). Some functions however apply formatting rules in PSPlex.Format.ps1xml. This may be expanded later.

  3. Plex sometimes returns 'JSON' data with keys of the same name, but differing casing (e.g. Guid and guid, ratingKey and RatingKey). PowerShell cannot convert this to JSON, so we choose to prepend the lowercase keys with _. You'll likely see this when using Get-PlexItem.


In the event that your token should become invalid and you receive 401 errors, try repeating the installation steps to refresh the token.

Should you need to delete it (e.g. to regenerate), the configuration file is stored at $env:appdata\PSPlex\PSPlexConfig.json on Windows, and $HOME/.PSPlex/$FileName on MacOS/Linux.



A PowerShell module for managing Plex.






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