This project is an attempt to build a cross-platform notification library in python.
It heavily relies on platform-dependant notification libraries, namely
You could also use plyer project which aims to provide a whole set of cross platform features such as notifications, camera manipulation ...
pip install .
python sdist
python install
This will install platform-specific python packages, specified in .
Typical package usage will be:
from piXnotify import notifier
Available options are:
- set_title
- set_message
- set_app_icon (WIP)
- set_activate (WIP)
- set_url (WIP)
- set_group (WIP)
- set_sound (WIP)
- set_execute (WIP)
As you can see, a lot of these are still WIP. This is mainly because of OS specific behaviours that have not been extensively tested yet.
On Mac systems, if no notifications get displayed:
- Make sure you are not in "focus mode"
- Make sure terminal-notifier has notifications enabled (System Settings > Notifications > terminal-notifier > Allow notifications)
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