Welcome to the FullStack ShopApp project! This application is designed to provide a seamless shopping experience across web and mobile platforms. It is built using Next.js for the web application, Expo React Native for the mobile application, and Supabase as the backend service.
Next.js: v15.0.0 - A React framework for server-side rendering and building static web applications.
React Native (Expo): v52.0.0 - A framework for building native apps using React.
Supabase - An open-source Firebase alternative providing real-time databases and authentication.
- Node.js
- Expo CLI
- Supabase account
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/serkanaplan/FullStack-ShopApp-ReactNative-and-Nextjs.git
Navigate to the project directory:
cd FullStack-ShopApp-ReactNative-and-Nextjs
Install dependencies for both web and mobile:
cd shop-app-admin-nextjs && npm install cd ../shop-app-expo-react-native && npm install
cd shop-app-admin-nextjs
npm run dev
cd shop-app-expo-react-native
expo start