Cash is an in‐memory key‐value store that may be used as a distributed cache, and it's also concurrency safe.
- gRPC is used to construct APIs for adding/replacing key/value, getting value using a key, adding key/value pairs to the list and map, deleting a specific key and deleting all keys.
- It uses Red-Black Tree for storing a variety of abstract data types, including lists, maps, and strings.
Note: Implementing another Data Structure to store data types is quite straightforward.
go install
Usage of cash:
-addr string
address (default ":8001")
-clu int
cleanup after expiration (min) (default 3)
-exp int
expiration (min) (default 7)
You can find the proto file here. For examples checkout demo file
Set supplied value at key. If key already exists, value is updated.
func (c Cache) Set(ctx context.Context, item *pb.String) (*pb.Response, error)
Get value stored at key.
func (c Cache) Get(ctx context.Context, args *pb.Key) (*pb.String, error)
Add all of the supplied values to the front of the list stored at key. If key does not exists, new empty list will be created.
func (c Cache) LPush(ctx context.Context, item *pb.String) (*pb.Response, error)
Add all of the supplied values to the back of the list stored at key. If key does not exists, new empty list will be created.
func (c Cache) RPush(ctx context.Context, item *pb.String) (*pb.Response, error)
Get list stored at key.
func (c Cache) GetList(ctx context.Context, args *pb.Key) (*pb.List, error)
Set supplied fields to their respective values to the HashMap stored at key. If key does not exists, new HashMap will be created.
func (c Cache) HMSet(ctx context.Context, item *pb.HashMapItem) (*pb.Response, error)
Get HasmMap stored at key. Function will return a List.
HashMap = {key1: value1, key2: value2}
List = [key1, value1, key2, value2]
func (c Cache) GetHashMap(ctx context.Context, args *pb.Key) (*pb.List, error)
Delete key along with value stored.
func (c Cache) DeleteKey(ctx context.Context, args *pb.Key) (*pb.Response, error)
Delete all the keys at once.
func (c Cache) DeleteAll(ctx context.Context, in *empty.Empty) (*pb.Response, error)