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sternk edited this page Nov 24, 2014 · 1 revision

[If you are not familiar with git, have a look at]

  1. According to our branching model, there is no shared development branch. Everyone is however encouraged to have local branch develop for verifying if features of the future release conflict with each other.

Everyone shall commit and push to the feature branch often. Testing for conflicts with related feature branches is encouraged.

  1. There must be one branch per issue. The name of the branch must be composed of an identifier and a description. The identifier must be the number of the issue in Github. The description must be an action that the final user should be enable to or disabled from doing and must be inspired by the title of the issue.

Hotfixes can be directly introduced into branches (staging). But we strongly suggest to still create an issue-branch (without a github issue identifier) and to create a pull-request, which will be immediately merged by the author.


  • GitHubIssueID-description_of_branch


  • 134-importing_hets_library
  • 122-fixing_import_problems
  1. Resources:
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