This blog covers the basics of testing in Android, providing insights into setup, dependencies, and an introduction to different types of tests. It is designed to help beginners understand the fundamentals of Android testing and how various tests are implemented.
The following are the primary testing types that are commonly used in software products:
- Unit testing
- UI testing
- Integration testing
- Performance testing
Test | Execution |
Unit testing | JVM |
UI testing | JVM or Android device |
Integration testing | Android device |
Unit testing usually refers to testing a particular unit of code in complete isolation from other components to ensure
its correctness and functionality. Developers often use frameworks like Mockito
to create stubs (test doubles), mocks,
etc., to achieve this isolation.
Stub: A stub is a direct replacement for a function, interface, or abstract class (or any other dependency). It allows us to swap the original implementation with a test-specific version, often referred to as a test dummy (or test double).
Mock: A mock serves as a more advanced test double for a dependency. Mocking frameworks let us actively simulate different behaviours by configuring the mock to return specific responses based on inputs or conditions. Furthermore, mocks allow us to confirm interactions by verifying the existence of a method, its number of calls, and the arguments passed during each call.
Why do we need this? During testing, especially unit testing, we aim to isolate the component under test from its dependencies. This ensures that we're testing the component alone, making the tests simpler, faster, and less error-prone. Mocking or stubbing helps us avoid injecting side effects or relying on external dependencies.
Example: Imagine a ViewModel class that depends on a repository. The Repository class, in turn, makes network API calls. If we want to write a unit test for the ViewModel alone, we don’t want to incur the overhead of making actual API calls, as this can make the test error-prone due to network conditions or server response times. To avoid these side effects, we can replace the repository with a stub (test double) or a mock during the test. This ensures that we focus only on the behaviour of the ViewModel while bypassing external dependencies.
Framework | Description |
Junit | Testing framework for Java |
Mockito | Mocking framework for unit tests written in Java/Kotlin |
Truth | To perform assertions in tests |
Simple Test Without Mocks
In this test suite, we are validating the behavior of the isValid()
method in the Email
class. The isValid()
checks whether the email provided is a valid email address or not. We are testing three key scenarios:
- Null Email: Verifying that when the email value is
, the method returnsfalse
. - Invalid Email: Checking various invalid email formats to ensure that the method correctly returns
for them (e.g., missing domain, misplaced characters). - Valid Email: Confirming that the method correctly returns
for properly formatted email addresses.
Each test ensures the isValid()
method behaves as expected under different conditions, guaranteeing that the email
validation works correctly.
data class Email(val value: String?) : Parcelable {
fun isValid(): Boolean {
return if (value == null) false else PatternsCompat.EMAIL_ADDRESS.matcher(value).matches()
class EmailTest {
fun shouldReturnIsValidAsFalseWhenEmailIsNull() {
fun shouldReturnIsValidAsFalseWhenEmailIsInvalid() {
Truth.assertThat(Email("[email protected]").isValid()).isFalse()
Truth.assertThat(Email("[email protected]@").isValid()).isFalse()
fun shouldReturnIsValidAsTrueWhenEmailIsValid() {
Truth.assertThat(Email("[email protected]").isValid()).isTrue()
Truth.assertThat(Email("[email protected]").isValid()).isTrue()
Simple Test With Mocks
In this test, we are verifying the behavior of the ProfileViewModel
class, specifically the retrieval of the email
address from the SavedStateHandle
. The test mocks the SavedStateHandle
to simulate retrieving an email address from
the saved state.
Mocking Dependencies: We use
to mock theSavedStateHandle
, which are dependencies in theProfileViewModel
. -
Testing Behavior: The mock for
is configured to return a predefined email address[email protected]
when theKEY_EMAIL
key is accessed. -
Validation: After initializing the
, we assert that theemailAddress
property correctly retrieves the mocked email value from theSavedStateHandle
This test ensures that the ProfileViewModel
correctly reads the email address from the saved state during its
class ProfileViewModel @Inject constructor(
savedStateHandle: SavedStateHandle,
private val logoutUseCase: LogoutUseCase
) : ViewModel() {
val emailAddress = savedStateHandle.get<String>(BundleArgs.KEY_EMAIL)
fun `should return email value from saved state handle when email address is read from viewModel`() {
val savedStateHandleMock = mockk<SavedStateHandle>()
every<String?> { savedStateHandleMock[BundleArgs.KEY_EMAIL] } returns "[email protected]"
val logoutUseCase = mockk<LogoutUseCase>()
val profileViewModel = ProfileViewModel(savedStateHandleMock, logoutUseCase)
assertThat(profileViewModel.emailAddress).isEqualTo("[email protected]")
Test With Mocks and Stubs
In this test, we are testing the behavior of the ProfileViewModel
class when the logout
function is called, ensuring
that the logout process is correctly triggered and the shouldLogout
state is updated.
Let me use AAA
test pattern to explain the test case. AAA
stands for Arrange, Act, and Assert.
Arrange:: Mocking and Stub Dependencies: We mock the
to simulate retrieving theemail
address from the saved state, and we stub theLogoutUseCase
to simulate a successful logout without performing the actual logic. -
Act:: Triggering Logout: The
function is called on theProfileViewModel
, and the coroutine is run to completion usingrunCurrent()
. -
Assert: The test asserts that after calling
, theshouldLogout
state is updated totrue
and that thelogout
function was successfully called, as indicated by theisLogoutSuccess
flag beingtrue
This test ensures that the ProfileViewModel
correctly handles the logout
process, updating the appropriate states
and interacting with the LogoutUseCase
class ProfileViewModel @Inject constructor(
savedStateHandle: SavedStateHandle,
private val logoutUseCase: LogoutUseCase
) : ViewModel() {
val emailAddress = savedStateHandle.get<String>(BundleArgs.KEY_EMAIL)
var shouldLogout by mutableStateOf(false)
private set
fun logout() {
viewModelScope.launch {
shouldLogout = true
fun `should call logout callback when logout button is pressed`() = runTest(testDispatcher) {
// Arrange
val savedStateHandleMock = mockk<SavedStateHandle>()
every<String?> { savedStateHandleMock[BundleArgs.KEY_EMAIL] } returns "[email protected]"
var isLogoutSuccess = false
val logoutStub = object : LogoutUseCase {
override suspend fun logout(email: Email) {
isLogoutSuccess = true
val profileViewModel = ProfileViewModel(savedStateHandleMock, logoutStub)
// Act
runCurrent() // run current co routine to completion
// Assert
// Regular JUnit dependency
// Assertion library
// Allows us to create and configure mock objects, stub methods, verify method invocations, and more
./gradlew testDebugUnitTest
UI testing usually refers testing the user interface by simulating user action and verify the behavior of UI elements.
Framework | Description |
Espresso | Android UI test framework to perform UI interaction and state assertion. (White box testing) |
UI Automator | To perform cross-app functional UI testing across system and installed apps. (Both Black box & white box testing) |
Compose UI test Junit | To provide Junit rules invoke composable function in Junit. also provides APIs to perform UI interaction and state assertion. |
Appium | *Yet to add * |
The Compose UI test framework allows you to verify that the behavior of your Compose code works as expected. It provides a set of testing APIs that help you find UI elements, check their attributes, and perform user actions. Using these APIs, you can mount composable content and assert expected behaviors.
The androidx.compose.ui.test.junit4
module includes a ComposeTestRule
and an implementation for Android
called AndroidComposeTestRule
. Through this rule you can set Compose content or access the activity.
You construct the rules using factory functions, either createComposeRule
or, if you need access to an
activity, createAndroidComposeRule
For Compose UI Unit Tests, you can use the RobolectricTestRunner
, a JUnit Test Runner that runs test code directly on
the JVM
. This eliminates the need for a physical or virtual Android device, significantly speeding up test execution,
ensuring consistent results, and simplifying the testing process.
However, some classes and methods from android.jar
require additional configuration to function correctly. For
example, accessing Android resources or using methods like Log might need adjustments to return default or mocked
values. Please refer to the setup section below for the necessary configuration.
Example : Compose UI + Interaction Unit Test
In this test, we are verifying the behavior of the Login composable screen by ensuring that the login button is enabled only when the inputs provided by the user are valid.
- Initial State Validation: The test confirms that the login button is initially disabled when no inputs are provided.
- Partial Input Validation: The test simulates entering invalid email and password combinations step-by-step to ensure that the button remains disabled until all conditions for validity are met.
- Valid Input Validation: Finally, the test validates that the login button becomes enabled only when both the email and password meet the required validation criteria (a valid email format and a password of sufficient length).
This test ensures that the Login composable correctly enforces input validation and enables the login button only under valid conditions.
fun Login(onSuccess: (email: Email) -> Unit, viewModel: LoginViewModel = hiltViewModel()) {
LaunchedEffect(key1 = viewModel.loginState, block = {
if (viewModel.loginState == LoginState.LoginSuccess) onSuccess(
Column {
Text(text = stringResource(id = R.string.login))
EmailInput(modifier = Modifier
.semantics { testTagsAsResourceId = true;testTag = "emailInput" }
value = ?: "",
isEnabled = viewModel.loginState !== LoginState.InProgress,
onValueChange = viewModel::updateEmail)
PasswordInput(modifier = Modifier
.semantics { testTagsAsResourceId = true;testTag = "passwordInput" }
value = viewModel.password.value ?: "",
isEnabled = viewModel.loginState !== LoginState.InProgress,
onValueChange = viewModel::updatePassword)
if (viewModel.loginState === LoginState.LoginPending){
PrimaryButton(modifier = Modifier
.semantics { testTagsAsResourceId = true;testTag = "loginButton" }
text = stringResource(id = R.string.login),
enabled = viewModel.isLoginButtonEnabled,
onClick = viewModel::login)
if (viewModel.loginState === LoginState.InProgress){
modifier = Modifier
.semantics { testTagsAsResourceId = true;testTag = "progressLoader" }
- This is a Compose UI unit test that runs on the JVM. Therefore, the code must be placed
class LoginKtTest {
val composeRule = createComposeRule()
var mainCoroutineRule = MainCoroutineRule()
fun shouldEnableButtonOnlyWhenInputsAreValid() {
with(composeRule) {
val loginUseCase = mockk<LoginUseCaseImpl>()
val loginViewModel = LoginViewModel(loginUseCase)
setContent { Login(onSuccess = {}, viewModel = loginViewModel) }
onNodeWithTag("emailInput").performTextInput("[email protected]")
// Needed for createComposeRule(), but not for createAndroidComposeRule<YourActivity>():
// Dependency injection for For instrumented tests on JVM
// Needed to run android UI test on JVM instead of on an emulator or device
// Helper for other arch dependencies, including JUnit test rules that can be used with LiveData, coroutines etc
testOptions {
unitTests {
// Enables unit tests to use Android resources, assets, and manifests.
isIncludeAndroidResources = true
// Whether unmocked methods from android.jar should throw exceptions or return default values (i.e. zero or null).
isReturnDefaultValues = true
./gradlew testDebugUnitTest
Integration testing typically involves testing the interactions between different components or modules of an application.
During these tests, we can visually observe the app launching, with all the interactions specified in the code happening in real time.
However, there’s an alternative approach that leverages GradleManagedDevices to run integration tests. This method skips the UI preview and executes the tests on a configured virtual or physical device. More details on this approach are provided in the next section.
Framework | Description |
Robolectric | To perform android UI/functional testing on JVM without the need for android device. * Test files are located inside the test folder |
AndroidX test runner | Provides AndroidJUnitRunner which is a JUnit test runner that allows to run instrumented JUnit 4 tests on Android devices, including those using the Espresso, UI Automator, and Compose testing frameworks. * Test files are located inside the androidTest folder. |
UI Automator | A UI testing framework designed for cross-app functional testing, enabling interactions with both system apps and installed apps. * Test files are located inside the androidTest folder. |
The following test cases, written for RobolectricTestRunner
and AndroidJUnitRunner
, appear similar to the Compose UI
Unit Test code snippet. This is because the androidx.compose.ui.test.junit4
library provides test implementations for
both JVM and Android. Using the same interfaces, tests can run on either runtime. The appropriate implementation is
selected at runtime based on the configured test runner.
The androidx.compose.ui.test.junit4
module provides the ComposeTestRule
and its Android-specific
implementation, AndroidComposeTestRule
. These rules allow you to set Compose content or access the activity. You can
construct these rules using factory functions: createComposeRule
for general use or createAndroidComposeRule
activity access is required.
In this test, we are verifying the behavior of the Login composable screen by ensuring that the login button is enabled only when the inputs provided by the user are valid.
- Initial State Validation: The test confirms that the login button is initially disabled when no inputs are provided.
- Partial Input Validation: The test simulates entering invalid email and password combinations step-by-step to ensure that the button remains disabled until all conditions for validity are met.
- Valid Input Validation: Finally, the test validates that the login button becomes enabled only when both the email and password meet the required validation criteria (a valid email format and a password of sufficient length).
This test ensures that the Login composable correctly enforces input validation and enables the login button only under valid conditions.
fun Login(onSuccess: (email: Email) -> Unit, viewModel: LoginViewModel = hiltViewModel()) {
LaunchedEffect(key1 = viewModel.loginState, block = {
if (viewModel.loginState == LoginState.LoginSuccess) onSuccess(
Column {
Text(text = stringResource(id = R.string.login))
EmailInput(modifier = Modifier
.semantics { testTagsAsResourceId = true;testTag = "emailInput" }
value = ?: "",
isEnabled = viewModel.loginState !== LoginState.InProgress,
onValueChange = viewModel::updateEmail)
PasswordInput(modifier = Modifier
.semantics { testTagsAsResourceId = true;testTag = "passwordInput" }
value = viewModel.password.value ?: "",
isEnabled = viewModel.loginState !== LoginState.InProgress,
onValueChange = viewModel::updatePassword)
if (viewModel.loginState === LoginState.LoginPending) {
PrimaryButton(modifier = Modifier
.semantics { testTagsAsResourceId = true;testTag = "loginButton" }
text = stringResource(id = R.string.login),
enabled = viewModel.isLoginButtonEnabled,
onClick = viewModel::login)
if (viewModel.loginState === LoginState.InProgress) {
modifier = Modifier
.semantics { testTagsAsResourceId = true;testTag = "progressLoader" }
class LoginKtTest {
val composeRule = createComposeRule()
fun shouldEnableButtonOnlyWhenInputsAreValid() {
val loginUseCase = mockk<LoginUseCaseImpl>(relaxed = true)
val loginViewModel = LoginViewModel(loginUseCase)
coEvery { loginUseCase.login(any(), any()) } returns Unit
with(composeRule) {
setContent { Login(onSuccess = {}, viewModel = loginViewModel) }
// Initial State Validation
// Partial Input Validation
// Partial Input Validation
onNodeWithTag("emailInput").performTextInput("[email protected]")
// Partial Input Validation
// Valid Input Validation
// Allows us to create and configure mock objects, stub methods, verify method invocations, and more
// Assertion library
// Needed for createComposeRule , createAndroidComposeRule and other rules used to perform UI test
androidTestImplementation("androidx.compose.ui:ui-test-junit4:$compose_version") // used with AndroidTestRunner to run ui test on virtual/physical device.
// Required to add androidx.activity.ComponentActivity to test manifest.
// Needed for createComposeRule(), but not for createAndroidComposeRule<YourActivity>():
Create a app/src/test/resources/
file and define the robolectric properties.
is a test runner which lets us run the test on android virtual/physical/GradleManaged devices,
including those using the Espresso
, UI Automator
, and Compose
testing frameworks.
We have two composable screens: LoginScreen
and ProfileScreen
, both inside MainScreen
- The
input fields- A
- Functionality:
- Pressing the
button navigates the user to theProfileScreen
. - The
greets the user with a message displaying theiremail
- Pressing the
class MainScreenTest {
@get:Rule(order = 0)
val hiltAndroidRule = HiltAndroidRule(this)
* Need a activity that annotated with @AndroidEntryPoint. and it has to be registered in manifest.
* Add comment why we used createAndroidComposeRule instead of composeTestRule
@get:Rule(order = 1)
val androidComposeRule = createAndroidComposeRule<DummyTestActivity>()
fun shouldSuccessfullyLaunchProfileScreenWithEmailPostLogin() {
with(androidComposeRule) {
setContent { MainScreen() }
onNodeWithTag("emailInput").performTextInput("[email protected]")
waitUntil(2500L) {
onNodeWithTag("welcomeMessageText").assertTextEquals("Email as explicit argument [email protected]")
.assertTextEquals("Email from saved state handle [email protected]")
// Used to create AndroidHiltTestRunner from AndroidJUnitRunner
android {
defaultConfig {
// testInstrumentationRunner = "androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner"
// If we are using Hilt we can extend the AndroidJUnitRunner and pass the HiltTestApplication as application component.
testInstrumentationRunner = ""
- Place the file inside
class AndroidHiltTestRunner : AndroidJUnitRunner() {
override fun newApplication(cl: ClassLoader?, className: String?, context: Context?): Application {
return super.newApplication(cl,, context)
UI Automator is a UI testing framework designed for cross-app functional UI testing, allowing interaction with both system and installed apps. Unlike frameworks that are limited to the app under test, UI Automator provides a wide range of APIs to interact with the entire device.
This enables true cross-app functional testing, such as opening the device settings, disabling the network, and then launching your app to verify how it handles a no-network condition.
With UI Automator, you can easily locate UI components using convenient descriptors like the text displayed on the component or its content description, making test scripts more intuitive and readable.
We use an Android device as the system under test. The process begins by launching the home intent, bringing the device to the home screen. Once the home app is launched, we proceed to open our app for testing.
The test scenario remains the same: we navigate to the LoginScreen
, enter the email
and password
, and press the
submit button. Upon successful submission, the app navigates to the ProfileScreen
, where the user is greeted with
their email
private const val BASIC_SAMPLE_PACKAGE = ""
private const val LAUNCH_TIMEOUT = 5000L
class LoginJourneyTest {
private lateinit var device: UiDevice
val hiltAndroidRule = HiltAndroidRule(this)
fun startMainActivityFromHomeScreen() {
// Initialize UiDevice instance
device = UiDevice.getInstance(InstrumentationRegistry.getInstrumentation())
// Start from the home screen
// Wait for launcher
val launcherPackage: String = device.launcherPackageName
MatcherAssert.assertThat(launcherPackage, CoreMatchers.notNullValue())
device.wait(Until.hasObject(By.pkg(launcherPackage).depth(0)), LAUNCH_TIMEOUT)
// Launch the app
val context = ApplicationProvider.getApplicationContext<Context>()
val intent = context.packageManager.getLaunchIntentForPackage(BASIC_SAMPLE_PACKAGE)
?.apply { addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TASK) }
// Wait for the app to appear
device.wait(Until.hasObject(By.pkg(BASIC_SAMPLE_PACKAGE).depth(0)), LAUNCH_TIMEOUT)
fun shouldLaunchProfileScreenWhenLoginIsSuccess() {
device.enterTextOnFieldWithId("emailInput", "[email protected]")
device.enterTextOnFieldWithId("passwordInput", "123456")
device.wait(Until.hasObject(By.res("loginButton").enabled(true)), 1500L)
device.wait(Until.hasObject(By.res("hasObject")), 3000L)
.isEqualTo("Email as explicit argument [email protected]")
.isEqualTo("Email from saved state handle [email protected]")
// To perform UI automation test.
./gradlew connectedAndroidTest --continue
Gradle Managed Devices provide a way to configure virtual or physical devices directly in Gradle for running integration tests. Since the configuration is managed within Gradle, it gains full control over the device lifecycle, allowing it to start or shut down devices as needed.
Unlike standard Android Virtual Devices (AVDs) or physical devices, there won’t be any visual preview during the test run. Once the test completes, you can review the results in the reports generated in the build folder.
Gradle Managed Devices are primarily used for running automated tests at scale on various virtual devices, so the focus is on configuration details rather than a visual representation.
testOptions {
managedDevices {
devices {
create<ManagedVirtualDevice>("testDevice") {
device = "Pixel 6"
apiLevel = 34
systemImageSource = "aosp"
./gradlew testDeviceDebugAndroidTest
With a sturdy suite of tests as steadfast as a fortress, developers can confidently push code even on a Friday evening and log off without a trace of worry.
- Screenshot test
- Small brief on junit rules, test apk
- Mock vs Stub
- Difference between AndroidJunitRunner and RobolectricTestRunner
- Example to Replace a binding in a single test
- Different types smoke testing
- Smoke
- Regression (a return to a previous and less advanced or worse state, condition, or way of behaving)
- Unit test --- one element of the software at a time
- Test Double as the generic term for any kind of pretend object used in place of a real object for testing purposes. Keywords
- collaborators
- DD-style way of writing tests
- Talking about different test classifications is always difficult.
// Dependencies
// Allows us to create and configure mock objects, stub methods, verify method invocations, and more
// Assertion library
// Needed for createComposeRule , createAndroidComposeRule and other rules used to perform UI test
testImplementation("androidx.compose.ui:ui-test-junit4:$compose_version") // used with robolectric to run ui test on jvm
androidTestImplementation("androidx.compose.ui:ui-test-junit4:$compose_version") // used with AndroidTestRunner to run ui test on virtual/physical device.
// Required to add androidx.activity.ComponentActivity to test manifest.
// Needed for createComposeRule(), but not for createAndroidComposeRule<YourActivity>():
// To perform UI automation test.
// Used to create AndroidHiltTestRunner from AndroidJUnitRunner
// Dependency injection for For instrumented tests on Android
// Dependency injection for For instrumented tests on JVM
// Needed to run android UI test on JVM instead of on an emulator or device
// Helper for other arch dependencies, including JUnit test rules that can be used with LiveData, coroutines etc
// Regular JUnit dependency
// Assertion library
// Allows us to create and configure mock objects, stub methods, verify method invocations, and more