I'm a software engineer, author, and international speaker who helps people of all levels improve their computer science and data science skills.
- Mind Your Image Metadata
- Pre-Commit Hook Creation Guide
- A Behind-the-Scenes Look at How Pre-Commit Works
- Common Pre-Commit Errors and How to Solve Them
- Tips for Navigating an Issue Tracker on GitHub
- stefmolin/data-morph-talk - Slides for my talk "Data Morph: A Cautionary Tale of Summary Statistics" (1 week ago)
- stefmolin/getting-started-with-open-source-talk - Slides for my talk "Getting Started with Open Source Contributions" (1 week ago)
- stefmolin/pandas-workshop - An introductory workshop on pandas with notebooks and exercises for following along. Slides contain all solutions. (1 week ago)
- stefmolin/python-data-viz-workshop - A workshop on data visualization in Python with notebooks and exercises for following along. Slides contain all solutions. (1 week ago)
- numpy/numpydoc - Numpy's Sphinx extensions (1 week ago)
- commitizen-tools/commitizen (v4.4.1, 2 weeks ago) - Create committing rules for projects π auto bump versions β¬οΈ and auto changelog generation π
- stefmolin/exif-stripper (0.6.2, 1 month ago) - An easy-to-use tool to ensure image metadata (EXIF) is removed.
- stefmolin/data-morph (0.3.0, 1 month ago) - Morph an input dataset of 2D points into select shapes, while preserving the summary statistics to a given number of decimal points through simulated annealing. It is intended to be used as a teaching tool to illustrate the importance of data visualization.
- pallets/click (8.1.8, 3 months ago) - Python composable command line interface toolkit
- numpy/numpydoc (v1.8.0, 7 months ago) - Numpy's Sphinx extensions