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Set up a nginx server with Ansible


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Sets up a nginx serving HTTPS with the configured domain names.


An apt-based package manager and systemd

Role Variables

Role variable Default Description
nginx_install_full_package false Whether to install the nginx-full package instead of the normal nginx package
nginx_default_privkey_path Default value in served domain objects without privkey_path key
nginx_default_fullchain_path Default value in served domain objects without fullchain_path key

Nginx service-related

See the nginx doc for a description of the variables.

Role variable Default
nginx_user www-data
nginx_worker_processes auto
nginx_pid /run/
nginx_worker_connections 768
nginx_sendfile on
nginx_tcp_nopush on
nginx_tcp_nodelay on
nginx_keepalive_timeout 65
nginx_types_hash_max_size 2048
nginx_server_tokens off
nginx_default_type application/octet-stream
nginx_ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2
nginx_ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on
nginx_log_format See defaults
nginx_access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log
nginx_error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log
nginx_gzip on
nginx_gzip_disable msie6
nginx_gzip_types See defaults.
nginx_pam_rules List of pam rules to configure a pam service. For a defenition of objects in that list see below.
nginx_pam_service_name Name of the pam service that should ne created. Mandatory when setting nginx_pam_rules
nginx_allow_shadow Allow nginx (www-data) access to shadow group, needed for PAM authentication


Role variable Mandatory Description
domain_suffixes ✔️ Domain suffixes to support multiple domain endings like and
domain_preffixes ✔️ Domain preffixes like www
served_domains ✔️ List of served domain objects

Served domain objects

A served domain object is a dictionary which can contain the following keys.

Key Mandatory Description
domains ✖️ A list of server names. Semantically defaults to _. See below regarding the syntax.
fullchain_path ✖️ HTTPS certificate path. Defaults to the content of nginx_default_fullchain_path.
privkey_path ✖️ Private key path for the certificate. Defaults to the content of nginx_default_privkey_path.
default_server ✔️ Should this server be the default server to answer request
allowed_ip_ranges ✖️ IP ranges that are allowed to access this server. By default all IPs are allowed. Can be turned of for a location using locations.ignore_access
https ✔️ Should this domain use HTTPS
index_files ✔️ For which index files should nginx look
locations.condition ✔️ The condition under which this locations block is called
locations.content ✔️ Content of the locations block
locations.ignore_access ✖️ Ignore the default access behaviour configured by allowed_ip_ranges
fastcgi_buffers ✖️
client_max_body_size ✖️ File Upload size
headers ✖️ List of headers that should be used for this server block
nginx_skip_server ✖️ Don't generate a server entry for this server

For the domains key, fully qualified server names must end in a dot (i.e. Otherwise, domain_suffixes and domain_prefixes are applied.

If you want to use allowed_ip_ranges on a server behind a reverseproxy, the reverseproxy needs to be configured to pass the real ip (see for example nginx docs) and the host itself must use the passed ip (see nginx docs). To configure the latter using this role Global Vars can be used.

Upstream Vars

nginx_upstreams is a list of dictionaries containing the following keys.

Name Mandatory Description
name ✔️ Upstream name used in domain_vars
path If content is not set URL or socket to PHP listener
content If path is not set Content to be placed in the upstream directive.

At least one of path and content must be set. If both are set, then path is used and content is ignored.


nginx_maps is a list of dictionaries containing the following keys.

Name Mandatory Description
condition ✔️ Map condition used in domain_vars
content ✔️ map content

Global Vars

nginx_global is a list of dictionaries containing the following entry.

Name Mandatory Description
content ✔️ content of the line that should be set

Pam Rules

nginx_pam_rules is a list of dictionaries containing the following keys.

Name Mandatory Description
type ✔️ The type of the rule either account, auth,password or session
control ✔️ The control behavior of the rule
module_path ✔️ the module name where the request should be handed to

For more information on pam rules see the Linux Administration Guide

Example Playbook

Configure a served_domain like


  - content:
    <content goes here>;
  - name: "server"
  - condition: <condition>
    content: |
      <content goes here>

  - www
  - domains:
    - ticket
    - zammad
    privkey_path: <path at target server>  # privkey.pem will placed there>
    fullchain_path: <path at target server>  # fullchain.pem will placed there>
    default_server: [true|false*]
    https: true
      - index.php
      - index.html
    enable_http2: true
      - content:
        <content goes here>;
      - condition: /
          try_files $1 $uri $uri/ /index.php$is_args$args;
      - condition: ~ ^/index\.php(.*)$
         fastcgi_index index.php;
         include /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params;
         try_files $uri =404;
         fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(/.+)$;
         fastcgi_pass unix:/run/php/php7.0-fpm.sock;m
         fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME /usr/share/icingaweb2/public/index.php;
         fastcgi_param ICINGAWEB_CONFIGDIR /etc/icingaweb2;
         fastcgi_param REMOTE_USER $remote_user;


A running nginx with the specified configuration.


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