Release 2021.04.12
2292 commits
to master
since this release
With these updates, we have completed the release of 2021.04.12
Component Updates
adviser: v0.27.0
- Introduce prescription (thoth-station/adviser#1741)
- Update prescription documentation so users can start using it(thoth-station/adviser#1786)
- Keep optimization for prescription wraps with resolved dependencies(thoth-station/adviser#1800)
- Allow supplying expected library usage in prescriptions (thoth-station/adviser#1793)
- Add ability to declare advised manifest changes in wrap prescriptions (thoth-station/adviser#1794)
- Add "not" operator to the prescription declaration (thoth-station/adviser#1795)
- Move MKL specific wrap to prescriptions (thoth-station/adviser#1796)
- Fix handling prescription unit names(thoth-station/adviser#1797)
- Remove TF Keras embedding wrap that was moved to prescriptions (thoth-station/adviser#1799)
- Rewrite s2i wraps to boots to match semantics (thoth-station/adviser#1789)
- Remove units rewritten to prescription YAML file(thoth-station/adviser#1774)
- Fix typing for prescription units and core units (thoth-station/adviser#1748)
- Prescription listing (thoth-station/adviser#1762)
- Allow multiple hardware configurations per pipeline unit (thoth-station/adviser#1764)
- Allow multiple prescription files being supplied to the resolver(thoth-station/adviser#1767)
- Add a pipeline unit that notifies about prescription release used (thoth-station/adviser#1770)
- Add ability to yield matched package version in pseudonyms(thoth-station/adviser#1775)
- Implement prescription validation with semantics(thoth-station/adviser#1781)
- Add Thoth's landing page(thoth-station/adviser#1626)
- Register UBI boot only if UBI is used (thoth-station/adviser#1756)
- Propagate metadata to justification and stack info(thoth-station/adviser#1625)
- Fix justification messages reported by backport sieves(thoth-station/adviser#1727)
- Remove user's stack if development dependencies are not present (thoth-station/adviser#1729)
- Remove user's stack if any changes in requirements were detected (thoth-station/adviser#1726)
user-api: v0.22.1
- Schema-related fix for the API.(thoth-station/user-api#1343)
messaging: v0.12.0
- add metadata to kebechet-run-url(thoth-station/messaging#347)
- add more metadata and use attr factory(thoth-station/messaging#360)
- Remove data fields from adviser message(thoth-station/messaging#359)
slo-reporter: v0.13.1
- Add defaults (thoth-station/slo-reporter#242)
- Add workflows tasks latency (thoth-station/slo-reporter#238)
- Generalize references (thoth-station/slo-reporter#233)
qeb-hwt: v0.3.4
- HOTFIX: Use the explicit pyjwt 1.7.1 for the github app (thoth-station/qeb-hwt#153)
- upgrade to python3.8 (thoth-station/qeb-hwt#133)
argo-workflow: v2.12.5
- Fix for the correct TTL propagation.
Thanks everyone for the work.