Building on (stealing) the ideas of others, this is a series of partially implemented tests designed to provide an introduction to Clojure
Thanks go to @lazerwalker and @dthume for the content and idea
./lein midje
- install Leiningen if it's not already installed
- install the midje dependency
- build the project
- run the tests
- produce the following output
WORK TO DO "Simple Maths and Equality" at (01_core.clj:4)
WORK TO DO "Lists" at (01_core.clj:24)
WORK TO DO "Maps" at (01_core.clj:48)
WORK TO DO "Generating lazy sequences" at (02_sequences.clj:4)
WORK TO DO "Sequence comprehensions" at (02_sequences.clj:29)
WORK TO DO "Conditionals" at (02_sequences.clj:46)
WORK TO DO "Functions" at (03_functions.clj:7)
WORK TO DO "Higher Order Functions" at (03_functions.clj:28)
WORK TO DO "Function builders" at (03_functions.clj:60)
WORK TO DO "Destructuring" at (04_more_more_more.clj:4)
WORK TO DO "Luhn Check" at (04_more_more_more.clj:22)
No facts were checked. Is that what you wanted?
If so, you are now ready to go
- Edit the files in test/cme/ajlig/hackathon/
- Replace any
with the Clojure code for the test to pass - When you're ready to run the a section, replace future-fact with fact
- Rerun
./lein midje
- Repeat until you see
All checks (70) succeeded.
If you get bored of running ./lein midje
, try:
./lein midje :autotest
it will automatically run the tests everytime you modify the file