Language SDK for FusionExport which enables exporting of charts & dashboards through Java.
To use in a Gradle project, first add the maven central repository to your repositories list:
repositories {
Then, just add this SDK as a dependency to your build.gradle
dependencies {
compile "com.fusioncharts.fusionexport:fusionexport:2.0.0"
To use this SDK with your maven project, add this dependency to your pom.xml
Ensure that you have FusionExport Service up and running, import the SDK library into your project and write the export logic as follows.
Start with a simple chart export. For exporting a single chart just pass the chart configuration as you would have passed it to the FusionCharts constructor.
import com.fusioncharts.fusionexport.client.*;
public class ExportChart {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
StringBuilder chartConf = new StringBuilder();
chartConf.append(" {");
chartConf.append(" \"type\": \"column2d\",");
chartConf.append(" \"renderAt\": \"chart-container\",");
chartConf.append(" \"width\": \"600\",");
chartConf.append(" \"height\": \"200\",");
chartConf.append(" \"dataFormat\": \"json\",");
chartConf.append(" \"dataSource\": {");
chartConf.append(" \"chart\": {");
chartConf.append(" \"caption\": \"Number of visitors last week\",");
chartConf.append(" \"subCaption\": \"Bakersfield Central vs Los Angeles Topanga\"");
chartConf.append(" },");
chartConf.append(" \"data\": [");
chartConf.append(" {");
chartConf.append(" \"label\": \"Mon\",");
chartConf.append(" \"value\": \"15123\"");
chartConf.append(" },");
chartConf.append(" {");
chartConf.append(" \"label\": \"Tue\",");
chartConf.append(" \"value\": \"14233\"");
chartConf.append(" },");
chartConf.append(" {");
chartConf.append(" \"label\": \"Wed\",");
chartConf.append(" \"value\": \"25507\"");
chartConf.append(" }");
chartConf.append(" ]");
chartConf.append(" }");
chartConf.append(" }");
// Instantiate the ExportManager class
ExportManager em = new ExportManager();
// Instantiate the ExportConfig class and add the required configurations
ExportConfig config = new ExportConfig();
config.set("chartConfig", chartConf.toString());
config.set("type", "png");
String[] files = em.export(config, ".", true);
for(String f : files) {
In the repository you can find a example folder which contains a considerable number of examples and its resources.
To test just copy the example code into
and give the correct path for the resources needed.
You can find the full reference here