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PSK Convenience Images


Debian version deprecated. 2024.08.1 is last update. Moving to ubuntu:oracular as Alpine alternative to be more aligned with CircleCI environment.

With inspiration from the CircleCI convenience images, twdps/circleci-remote-docker maintains both Alpine and Ubuntu variants with both remote and self-hosted runners in mind. As the name suggests, this image is designed to serve as a starter image for building a use-tailored CircleCI remote docker executor.

This image contains the minimum packages required to function as a remote_docker executor on CircleCI.

difference with cimg libraries. Enterprise settings often require specific security and configuration testing. The twdps series of convenience images is designed to demonstrate an effective and extensible executor lifecycle architecure.

signature. Images are signed using cosign. You can verify an image using the twdps public key found here.

cosign verify --key twdps/circleci-remote-docker:alpine-2023.04

software bill of materials. For each published image, an SBOM is generated using syft and uploaded to the container registry tagged using the manifest id and .spdx extension. You can pull the sbom using the oras tool as follows:

fetch image manifest:

docker image inspect --format='{{index .RepoDigests 0}}' twdps/circleci-remote-docker:alpine-2023.04


download sbom:

oras pull

Review .snyk for current vulnerability status.

Other images in this series


Table of Contents

Getting Started

This image intended to be used as the FROM image in a custom CircleCI remote docker executor.

For example:

FROM twdps/circleci-remote-docker:2021.09  


RUN curl -L -o node.tar.xz "${NODE_VERSION}/node-v${NODE_VERSION}-linux-x64.tar.xz" && \
	sudo tar -xJf node.tar.xz -C /usr/local --strip-components=1 && \
	rm node.tar.xz && \
	sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/node /usr/local/bin/nodejs

The tag 2021.08 indicates that the version of the base image used will be the August 2021 release.
See how tags work below for more information.

What is Included in the Image

This image is maintained with both an Alpine and Debian Linux based distribution and contains the minimum requirements needed to be used as a remote docker executor on CircleCI:

  • bash
  • git
  • openssh
  • tar
  • gzip
  • ca-certificates

See release notes or distribution dockerfiles for specific versions

Tagging Scheme

This image has the following tagging scheme:


<YYYY.MM> - Release version of the image, referred to by the 4 digit year, dot, and a 2 digit month. For example 2020.05 would be the monthly tag from May 2020. This is the recommended version for use in an executor Dockerfile. Where interim patches are required you may see 2021.08.1 or addtional numbered versions.

stable - generic tag that always points to the latest, monthly release image. Provides a decent level of stability while recieving all software updates and recommended security patches. Security patches can sometimes include pre-release or release candidate versions of packages.

edge - is the latest development of the Base image. Built from the HEAD of the main branch. Intended to be used as a testing version of the image with the most recent changes.

Also please note, stable in this case does not always imply general release for underlying components. For example, sid is used for the debain image in order to pick up the latest, patch versions of packages to eliminate any median or critical CVE issues.


We encourage issues and pull requests against this repository. In order to value your time, here are some things to consider:

  1. Intended to be the minimum configuration necessary for an alpine or debain based image to be successfully launched by circleci as a remote docker executor and specifically does not include any other packages.
  2. PRs are welcome. Given the role of this image as a building block in building CircleCI remote docker executors, it is expected that PRs or Issue will be releated to bugs or compatibility issues. PR's to include additional packages will only be considered where necessary to continue supporting Alpine or debian linux as a remote docker base.

Local development

Use to build and test image locally. In order to successfully run the CIS benchmark test locally you will need a local copy of the CIS Docker benchmark section 4 policy statement. The orb-executor-tools used to build this image includes a standard set of CIS requirements, pull a copy of that file and name it policy.rego (which will be ignored by current git settings) for local testing.



Publishing Official Images (for Maintainers only)

Git push will trigger the dev-build pipeline. In addition to the tests performed in, a snyk scan is done to expose any known vulnerabilities.

To create a release version, simply tag HEAD with the release version format YYYY.MM

Additional Resources


No description, website, or topics provided.



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