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Welcome to’s Documentation!


This repository contains the open source command line interface for This CLI replicates much of the functionality available in the website GUI by using the same underlying REST API. Most of the functionality is contained within the single script file, while additional features (such as PDF invoice generation) are provided by the supplementary script

Our Python SDK is maintained through a separate repository vast-ai/vast-sdk.

PyPI version

Table of Contents

  1. Quickstart
  2. Usage
  3. Install
  4. Commands
  5. List of Commands and Associated Help Message
  6. Self-Test a Machine (Single Machine)
  7. Host Machine Testing with
  8. Usage Examples
  9. Tab-Completion


It is recommended that you create a dedicated subdirectory to store this script and its related files. For example, you might create a directory named vid (short for "Vast Install Directory"):

mkdir vid
cd vid

Once inside your directory, download the script:

chmod +x

Verify that the script is working by running:

./ --help

You should see a list of available commands. Next, log in to the website and obtain your API key from Copy the provided command under "Login / Set API Key" and run it. The command will look similar to:

./ set api-key xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

This command saves your API key in a hidden file in your home directory. Keep your API key secure.

You can test a search command with:

./ search offers --limit 3

This should display a short list of machine offers.


The CLI provides a variety of commands for interacting with the platform. For example, you can search for available machines by running:

./ search offers

To refine your search, consult the extensive help by running:

./ search offers --help

You can filter results based on numerous parameters, similar to the website GUI.

For example, to find Turing GPU instances (with compute capability 7.0 or higher):

./ search offers 'compute_cap > 700'

Or to find instances with a reliability score ≥ 0.99 and at least 4 GPUs (ordered by GPU count descending):

./ search offers 'reliability > 0.99 num_gpus>=4' -o 'num_gpus-'


If you followed the Quickstart instructions, you have already installed the main CLI script (
For generating PDF invoices, you will need the script (found in this repository) and the third-party library Borb. To install Borb, run:

pip3 install borb


The CLI is primarily contained within the script. Commands follow a simple "verb-object" pattern. For example, to run the command "show machines", you would type:

./ show machines

List of Commands and Associated Help Message

For a full list of commands and help messages, run:

./ --help

This will display available commands including, but not limited to:

  • help
  • create instance
  • destroy instance
  • search offers
  • self-test machine
  • show instances ... and many others.

Self-Test a Machine (Single Machine)

Hosts can perform a self-test on a single machine to verify that it meets the necessary requirements and passes reliability and stress tests.


./ self-test machine <machine_id> [--ignore-requirements]
  • machine_id: The numeric ID of the machine to test.
  • --ignore-requirements (optional): Continues tests even if system requirements are not met. If omitted, the self-test stops at the first requirement failure.


# Standard self-test, respecting requirements:
./ self-test machine 12345

# Self-test ignoring system requirements:
./ self-test machine 12345 --ignore-requirements


  1. Requirements Check:
    The script verifies whether the machine meets all necessary requirements. If any requirements are not met, it will report the failures.
  2. Instance Creation:
    A temporary test instance is launched.
  3. Test Execution:
    A series of tests are performed (system checks, GPU tests, stress tests, etc.).
  4. Summary:
    The results are displayed, indicating whether the machine passed or failed along with any error messages.

The temporary test instance is automatically destroyed after testing.

Host Machine Testing with

For hosts who want to automatically test multiple machines, the script is provided. This script:

  1. Searches for offers based on host (--host_id) and verification status (--verified).
  2. Selects the best offer for each machine (based on the highest dlperf).
  3. Optionally samples a percentage of the machines (using --sample-pct).
  4. Performs concurrent self-tests on the selected machines.
  5. Saves results to:
    • passed_machines.txt
    • failed_machines.txt
  6. Outputs a summary, including a table of failure reasons.


python3 [--verified {true,false,any}] [--host_id HOST_ID] [--ignore-requirements] [--sample-pct SAMPLE_PCT] [-v | -vv | -vvv]
  • --verified {true,false,any}
    Which verification status to filter offers by (defaults to false).

  • --host_id HOST_ID
    Filter offers by a specific host ID (defaults to any).

  • --ignore-requirements
    Skip strict requirement checks; log them but proceed with the tests.

  • --auto-verify {true,false}

    • If "true", any machine that passes is automatically set to "verified".
    • If "false" (or omitted), you are prompted whether to verify each passing machine.
  • --auto-deverify {true,false}

    • If "true", any failing machine is automatically set to "deverified", with the failure reason stored in error_msg.
    • If "false" (or omitted), you are prompted whether to deverify each failing machine.
  • --sample-pct PCT

    • Randomly test only PCT% of the machines that would otherwise be tested. E.g., --sample-pct 30 tests ~30% of them.
    • Default is 100, meaning test all.
  • -v | -vv | -vvv

    • Increase verbosity level (INFO/DEBUG). By default logs are at WARNING level.


  1. Test all unverified machines for a specific Host ID (default verified=false):

    python3 --host_id 123456

    Saves results to passed_machines.txt and failed_machines.txt.

  2. Test any machines (verified or unverified):

    python3 --verified any --host_id 123456
  3. Ignore system requirements:

    python3 --host_id 123456 --ignore-requirements
  4. Automatically verify machines that pass:

    python3 --host_id 123456 --auto-verify true
  5. Automatically deverify failing machines:

    python3 --host_id 123456 --auto-deverify true
  6. Only test 30% of your machines:

    python3 --host_id 123456 --sample-pct 30

Output Files

  • passed_machines.txt
    Contains a timestamp and a comma-separated list of machine IDs that have passed.

  • failed_machines.txt
    Contains a timestamp and lines of the form <machine_id>: <reason> for each failure.

Failure Summary

A short table is printed at the end, summarizing each unique failure reason (e.g., “No response for 60 seconds with running instance”).

Usage Examples

Single Machine Self-Test

./ self-test machine 54321

If the machine fails to meet requirements, the output will indicate the failure reasons and the test will stop.

Self-Test with Ignored Requirements

./ self-test machine 54321 --ignore-requirements

This command will display the failing requirements but continue with the self-test.

Testing Multiple Machines Automatically

python3 --host_id 123456 --ignore-requirements

This command will run self-tests on multiple machines from the specified host and output the results to passed_machines.txt and failed_machines.txt.

Testing a Sample of Machines

python3 --host_id 123456 --sample-pct 30

This command tests approximately 30% of the machines, randomly sampled from the total list.


The script supports tab-completion in both Bash and Zsh shells if the argcomplete package is installed. To enable tab-completion:

  1. Install argcomplete:
    pip3 install argcomplete
  2. Enable global tab-completion by running:
    Alternatively, for a single session, run:
    eval "$(register-python-argcomplete"

Note: Rapid invocations via tab-completion might trigger API rate limits. If you experience issues, please report them in the project's GitHub issues.

This documentation should help you get started with the CLI tools and understand the available commands and usage patterns. For more detailed information, refer to the inline help provided by each command.