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Python DB-API implementation for Wherobots DB. This package implements a PEP-0249 compatible driver to programmatically connect to a Wherobots DB runtime and execute Spatial SQL queries.


If you use Poetry in your project, add the dependency with poetry add:

$ poetry add wherobots-python-dbapi

Otherwise, just pip install it:

$ pip install wherobots-python-dbapi


Basic usage

Basic usage follows the typical pattern of establishing the connection, acquiring a cursor, and executing SQL queries through it:

from wherobots.db import connect
from wherobots.db.region import Region
from wherobots.db.runtime import Runtime

with connect(
        region=Region.AWS_US_WEST_2) as conn:
    curr = conn.cursor()
    curr.execute("SHOW SCHEMAS IN wherobots_open_data")
    results = curr.fetchall()

The Cursor supports the context manager protocol, so you can use it within a with statement when needed:

with connect(...) as conn:
    with conn.cursor() as curr:
        results = curr.fetchall()

It also implements the close() method, as suggested by the PEP-2049 specification, to support situations where the cursor is wrapped in a contextmanager.closing().

Runtime and region selection

You can chose the Wherobots runtime you want to use using the runtime parameter, passing in one of the Runtime enum values. For more information on runtime sizing and selection, please consult the Wherobots product documentation.

The only supported Wherobots compute region for now is aws-us-west-2, in AWS's Oregon (us-west-2) region.

Advanced parameters

The connect() method takes some additional parameters that advanced users may find useful:

  • results_format: one of the ResultsFormat enum values; Arrow encoding is the default and most efficient format for receiving query results.

  • data_compression: one of the DataCompression enum values; Brotli compression is the default and the most efficient compression algorithm for receiving query results.

  • geometry_representation: one of the GeometryRepresentation enum values; selects the encoding of geometry columns returned to the client application. The default is EWKT (string) and the most convenient for human inspection while still being usable by libraries like Shapely.

  • session_type: "single" or "multi"; if set to "single", then each call to connect() establishes an exclusive connection to a distinct and dedicated Wherobots runtime; if set to "multi", then multiple connect() calls with the same arguments and credentials will connect to the same shared Wherobots runtime; "single" is the default.

    Consider multi-session for potential cost savings, but be mindful of performance impacts from shared resources. You might need to adjust cluster size if slowdowns occur, which could affect overall cost.