~ Hello good hooman 👋
I’m Zarif, currently a CS PhD student at the CIIR (Center for Intelligent Information Retrieval) lab, University of Massachusetts Amherst. I am advised by Prof. Hamed Zamani. Previously I worked as a Machine Learning Engineer (Level 3) at a Dhaka and California based startup, Chaldal Ltd.! I completed my undergrad from CSE, BUET and also worked as a Research Intern at Xu Lab, Carnegie Mellon University during my undergrad. My research interest lies in making machines see (Computer Vision) and comprehend (Natural Language Processing). In particular, I am interested in language grounding, multi-modal learning and information retrieval.
- 🔭 I’m currently working on Video Q&A and Conversational Search.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning GPU Programming.
- 💼 You can reach out to me for work opportunities if you think I am fit for a role (preferably Research Internships/ Applied Scientist Internships).
- ⚡ Fun Fact : I love teaching and traveling, my plan is to travel the whole world within 40 (?). Next up is
Annapurna Base Camp Trek 🗻,Turkey 🕌, Uzbekistan! - 💬 Ask me about anything related/not related to my work that interests you. Reach me via mail 📫 or linkedin 🔗 for professional purposes, and if you're tired of professionalism there's always messenger 📟.
If you like my work, you can also support me by buying me a cup of coffee!
- sagorbrur/bnlp: The most popular NLP library for Bengali Language
- AbdullahO/tspdb: A prediction algorithm for time series data from MIT (NeurIPS 2020)
- lightoj-dev/problem-tutorials: Competitive programming tutorials for LightOJ
- mahdihasnat/MooDown: A service to clone Moodle accounts
Find everything related to my undergrad academic life here
🌟 Red Black Tree : An Intuitive Approach
🌟 Xv6 Memory Management Walkthrough