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This work is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License. See the LICENSE file for more details.

Table of Contents

About the Demo

This repository contains source code and instructions to build and run two functional demos of the RISC-V IOMMU IP developed by the Zero-Day Labs. Both demos are carried out in a Genesys2 FPGA board, and run atop a CVA6-based SoC with support for the RISC-V Hypervisor extension, integrating one DMA device and the RISC-V IOMMU IP.

  • Demo #1 consists of a tutorial to run Linux atop the target platform, using the RISC-V IOMMU Linux driver developed by the RISC-V IOMMU task group. We provide a simple application to issue DMA transfers using both mapped and unmapped addresses.

  • In Demo #2, we show the operation of the IOMMU within a virtualized environment. In this demo, the DMA device is programmed to tamper critical memory regions of higher privileged SW: Bao hypervisor or OpenSBI (firmware). The IOMMU IP is enabled by default, but it can be disabled to demonstrate the side-effects (for system level isolation) of the absense of the IOMMU IP. The user navigates through the demo using the push buttons in the board, and the output is printed to the console.

Tools and Versions

To build and run the demo we used the following tools:

Requirement Version Used to
Vivado 2022.2 Synthesize RTL design and generate bitstream
riscv-tools - Synthesize RTL design
riscv64-linux-gnu-gcc 9.4.0 (RISC-V GNU GCC - Ubuntu pkg) Build Linux
riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc 10.1.0 (SiFive GCC) Build Bao hypervisor and baremetal guest
riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc 12.2.0 (RISC-V GNU GCC) Build OpenSBI

Synthesizing the RTL Design

First of all, clone this repository and load all git submodules:

git clone
cd riscv-iommu-demo
git submodule update --init --recursive

Both demos use the same hardware design. So, the first step is to synthesize the RTL code using Vivado. For this purpose, you need to point the RISCV environment variable to the path where your riscv-tools instalation is located.

export RISCV=/path/to/riscv_tools

Then, to synthesize the RTL design of the CVA6-based SoC with the IOMMU IP and generate the bitstream, run from the top directory of the repo:

make -C cva6 fpga

⚠️ In order to synthesize the RTL design, you must have the required licenses installed in Vivado. Otherwise, the run will fail.

At the end, the bitstream is located at cva6/corev_apu/fpga/work-fpga/ariane_xilinx.bit

Building the demos

Before changing the target demo, make sure to clean the build:

make -C linux ARCH=riscv mrproper && \
make -C linux/tools/lloader clean && \
make -C bao-baremetal-guest clean && \
make -C bao-hypervisor clean && \
make -C opensbi clean

Demo #1: Linux w/ RISC-V IOMMU

  1. Build the Linux kernel with the RISC-V IOMMU driver:
make -C linux ARCH=riscv CROSS_COMPILE=riscv64-linux-gnu- KBUILD_DEFCONFIG=defconfig O=build -j$(nproc) defconfig Image

ℹ️ We provide a pre-built filesystem generated with Buildroot in linux/fs/cva6/. This FS is passed to the Kernel in the build configuration files, and contains a user-space application to perform DMA transfers within Linux

  1. Compile the device tree:
cd linux/arch/riscv/boot/dts/cva6 && dtc cva6-ariane-minimal.dts > cva6-ariane-minimal.dtb
  1. Go back to the top directory of the repo and merge the DTB with the Linux image:
cd ../../../../../.. && make -C linux/tools/lloader CROSS_COMPILE=riscv64-unknown-elf- ARCH=rv64 IMAGE=../../build/arch/riscv/boot/Image DTB=../../arch/riscv/boot/dts/cva6/cva6-ariane-minimal.dtb TARGET=linux-rv64-cva6
  1. Build OpenSBI and generate the payload firmware:
make -C opensbi CROSS_COMPILE=riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu- PLATFORM=fpga/ariane FW_PAYLOAD=y FW_PAYLOAD_PATH=../linux/tools/lloader/linux-rv64-cva6.bin

The output files (fw_payload.bin and fw_payload.elf) should be in opensbi/build/platform/fpga/ariane/firmware/

Demo #2: Bao Hypervisor and Guest Attacker

  1. Build the baremetal guest:
make -C bao-baremetal-guest CROSS_COMPILE=riscv64-unknown-elf- PLATFORM=cva6

ℹ️ You can skip steps 2 and 3 if you have previously built Demo #2

  1. In the VM configuration (vm-configs/cva6-baremetal/config.c file), line 3, set the absolute path to the VM image generated in bao-baremetal-guest/build/cva6/baremetal.bin, i.e.:
VM_IMAGE(baremetal_image, XSTR(/absolute/path/to/baremetal.bin));
  1. Copy the VM configuration and the platform configuration to the Bao hypervisor directory:
cp -R vm-configs/* bao-hypervisor/configs && \
cp -R plat-configs/* bao-hypervisor/src/platform/
  1. Build Bao:
make -C bao-hypervisor CROSS_COMPILE=riscv64-unknown-elf- PLATFORM=cva6 CONFIG=cva6-baremetal CONFIG_BUILTIN=y
  1. Build OpenSBI and generate the payload firmware:
make -C opensbi CROSS_COMPILE=riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu- PLATFORM=fpga/ariane FW_PAYLOAD=y FW_PAYLOAD_PATH=../bao-hypervisor/bin/cva6/cva6-baremetal/bao.bin

The output files (fw_payload.bin and fw_payload.elf) should be in opensbi/build/platform/fpga/ariane/firmware/

Copying the image to an SD card

After building the corresponding demo, you have to copy the output binary file to an SD card in order to run the demo on the Genesys2 board

  1. Insert an SD card into your computer and carefully identify the dev file associated to your SD Card (e.g., /dev/sda, /dev/mmcblk).
sudo fdisk -l
  1. Format the SD card. Replace <dev_file> with the dev file you identfied in step 1.
sudo sgdisk --clear --new=1:2048:+32M --new=2 --typecode=1:3000 --typecode=2:8300 <dev_file> -g

ℹ️ If you are willing to run Demo #2, you can speed up the loading of the image by assigning a lower size to the the first (BOOT) partition of the SD card (e.g., 4 MiB). To do this, replace 32M with the size you pretend to use.

  1. Copy the binary file to the SD card. Again, replace <dev_file> with the dev file you identfied in step 1.
sudo dd if=opensbi/build/platform/fpga/ariane/firmware/fw_payload.bin of=<dev_file> oflag=sync bs=1M

Running the Demo

  1. Insert the SD Card with the binary file into the Genesys2 board.
  2. Connect two USB cables to the board: one to the port labelled UART and another to the one labelled JTAG.
  3. Power on the board so that the UART interface used (e.g. /dev/ttyUSB0) becomes available.
  4. Open a console with 115200-8-N-1 and connect to the created interface. If there are multiple ttyUSB devices just open a console to each of them.
  5. Link the Vivado Hardware Manager to the board.
  6. Program the device with the generated bitstream (cva6/corev_apu/fpga/work-fpga/ariane_xilinx.bit).

Once programming is finished (around 10s), the boot image will be copied from the SD card to the board. Then, the demo will start executing.

Running Demo #1: Linux w/ IOMMU

Note the iommu and idma messages in the Linux boot log. We create two DMA mappings for the device: one for reads (source) and another for writes (destination). After the boot process is complete, login using the word "root" as user and password.

You can perform DMA transfers using the user-space application provided within the filesystem:

/etc/iommu_test.elf <short_word>

This application will copy the provided word into the DMA source buffer, and start two subsequent DMA transfers: one to read the word from the source buffer and another to write it to the DMA destination buffer. At the end, the application prints the provided word and the contents of the destination buffer.

Additionally, you can configure the DMA driver to use unmapped addresses and see what happens:

echo 1 > /sys/module/idma/parameters/use_unmapped_addr
/etc/iommu_test.elf <short_word>

A page fault is generated, and the IOMMU raises an interrupt to notice Linux about the error. The fault record include relevant parameters of the DMA transfer (e.g., IO Virtual Address, device ID, fault code).

Running Demo #2: Bao Hypervisor and Guest Attacker

The Guest VM will start executing immediately after the image is loaded to the board. The console will guide you through the demo using the board push buttons.

You have the option to attack Bao or OpenSBI (firmware), with the IOMMU enabled or disabled. When the IOMMU is enabled, Bao will print fault messages (warnings) for each DMA transfer.

  • Attacking OpenSBI

  • Attacking Bao