- #16366: Update node port colors when optional (NME, NGE, NRGE)
- #16324: Add a visual clue to the optional ports for all the node editors
- #16365: FrameGraph: update icons and colors + use AutoDetect inputs whenever possible
- #16364: Ramp audio parameter values to avoid audible discontinuities
- #16346: expose epsilon on conditionalblock on nge and apply it to all operations
- #16355: Fix #16346
- #16363: Sub-Surface Scattering post-process: fix bug in shader + port to WGSL
- #16359: Fix gizmo drag when a second mouse button is pressed during the drag
- #16361: Ensure Shader Store data are not overriden
- #16360: PBR materials: fix sub-surface scattering
See More
- #16358: Fix camera behavior on Firefox on MacOS when using CTRL while dragging
- #16356: Revert "Fix camera behavior on Firefox on MacOS when using CTRL while dragging"
- #16353: Node editors: Better message and properties when a port is AutoDetect
- #16354: Fix camera behavior on Firefox on MacOS when using CTRL while dragging
- #16351: FrameGraph: fix icons and colors
- #16350: Introducing a new ConsoleLog node and 2 more fixes for glTF interactivity
- #16348: Add audio engine v2 unmute UI
- #16347: Allow custom target for readPixels
- #16349: Skip audio engine v2 auto resume after
- #16345: Remove duplicate registration of KHR_interactivity
- #16344: Add mobile blocker UI to Viewer Configurator
- #16343: FrameGraph: various corrections and additions
- #16342: Fix selection regression for links
- #16340: FrameGraph: Add undo/redo support
- #16341: Fix #16340
- #16337: PBR: Fix diffuse transmission
- #16335: Add Handedness and autorotate Viewer options
- #16338: Fix label picking for checkboxes
- #16295: Fix Decorators and PrePass dirty flags
- #16336: Fix geometry input generation when dragging from input port
- #16333: Make sure lerna updates major version correctly
- #16334: set _blockEntityCollection value when loading splat files
- #16332: Add WebXR visualization tests and improve test utility functions
- #16331: Fix Havok shape memory leak
This list of changes was auto generated.