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HOWTO: Creating images for additional Virtual Application types

Marcio Silva edited this page Mar 28, 2017 · 1 revision
  • Before fully making use of CB, you will have to create images for all other Virtual Application types. While we provide a method for the automatic creation of all images, unfortunately some packages and binaries (e.g., coremark, parboil) simply cannot be automatically downloaded, due to licensing restrictions.
  1. Download all third party requirements

    Go to cbtool/3rd_party/workload/ and open the manually_download_files.txt. Follow the instructions there to download all requested files, and in the end you should have this directory populated with a series of .tar, .tgz, .deb and .rpm files (again, this procedure is required only for files that cannot be automatically downloaded).

  2. Restart CBTOOL to make all files accessible through rsync


cbuser@klinux:~/cloudbench$ ~/cbtool/cb --soft_reset Cbtool version is "55c720f" Parsing "cloud definitions" file..... "/home/cbuser/cbtool/configs/cbuser_cloud_definitions.txt" opened and parsed successfully.

Checking "Object Store".....An Object Store of the kind "Redis" (shared) on node, TCP port 6379, database id "10" seems to be running. Checking "Log Store".....A Log Store of the kind "rsyslog" (private) on node, UDP port 5114 seems to be running. Checking "Metric Store".....A Metric Store of the kind "MongoDB" (shared) on node, TCP port 27017, database id "metrics" seems to be running. Checking "File Store".....A File Store of the kind "rsync" (private) on node, TCP port 10000 seems to be running.

Executing "soft" reset: (killing all running toolkit processes and flushing Object store) before starting the experiment...... Killing all processes... done Flushing Object Store... done

Checking for a running API service daemon.....API Service daemon was successfully started. The process id is ['17394'] ( Checking for a running GUI service daemon.....GUI Service daemon was successfully started. The process id is ['17478', '17479'], listening on port 8080. Full url is "".

############################# Executing command "cldattach osk TESTOPENSTACK" (specified on the configuration file)

status: VPN configuration for this cloud already generated: /home/cbuser/cbtool/lib/auxiliary//../../configs/generated/TESTOPENSTACK_server-cb-openvpn.conf

status: OpenStack Cloud connection parameters: username=admin, password=, tenant=admin, cacert=None, insecure=False, region_name=RegionOne, access_url=, endpoint_type=publicURL status: Checking if the ssh key pair "cbuser_cbtool_rsa" is created on VMC RegionOne.... status: Checking if the security group "default" is created on VMC RegionOne.... status: Checking if the network "flat_net" can be found on VMC RegionOne... status: Checking if the imageids associated to each "VM role" are registered on VMC "RegionOne".... status: WARNING Image id for VM roles "xpingsender,xpingreceiver" is "1147b8f6-e81d-11e6-bcc9-6cae8b2ac98e" ("cb_xping") is NOT registered (attaching VMs with any of these roles will result in error). WARNING Image id for VM roles "driver_tradelite,client_tradelite": "C5F67B76-920D-5102-A7F8-80F83657CB06" ("cb_tradelite") is NOT registered (attaching VMs with any of these roles will result in error). WARNING Image id for VM roles "driver_hadoop,driver_netperf" is "b77ddafa-e81a-11e6-bcc9-6cae8b2ac98e" ("cb_hadoop") is NOT registered (attaching VMs with any of these roles will result in error). WARNING Image id for VM roles "fio,driver_fio" is "b77c2a0a-e81c-11e6-bcc9-6cae8b2ac98e" ("cb_fio") is NOT registered (attaching VMs with any of these roles will result in error). WARNING Image id for VM roles "windows,client_windows": "4322F915-BCBA-55FD-ADFE-A27D7FCC0D18" ("cb_windows") is NOT registered (attaching VMs with any of these roles will result in error). WARNING Image id for VM roles "filebench,driver_filebench" is "a8bcba22-e81a-11e6-bcc9-6cae8b2ac98e" ("cb_filebench") is NOT registered (attaching VMs with any of these roles will result in error). WARNING Image id for VM roles "nuttcpserver,nuttcpclient" is "7b3f3802-e81c-11e6-bcc9-6cae8b2ac98e" ("cb_nuttcp") is NOT registered (attaching VMs with any of these roles will result in error). WARNING Image id for VM roles "giraphmaster,giraphslave" is "36079b4e-e81c-11e6-bcc9-6cae8b2ac98e" ("cb_giraph") is NOT registered (attaching VMs with any of these roles will result in error). INFO Image id for VM roles "lb,tinyvm,yatinyvm" is "a1372342-e819-11e6-bcc9-6cae8b2ac98e" ("cb_nullworkload") and it is already registered. WARNING Image id for VM roles "ycsb,seed,cassandra" is "50a90f36-e81d-11e6-bcc9-6cae8b2ac98e" ("cb_ycsb") is NOT registered (attaching VMs with any of these roles will result in error). WARNING Image id for VM roles "client_ibm_daytrader,db2,driver_daytrader,was" is "f355287c-e819-11e6-bcc9-6cae8b2ac98e" ("cb_daytrader") is NOT registered (attaching VMs with any of these roles will result in error). WARNING Image id for VM roles "netserver,netclient" is "c414381c-e81b-11e6-bcc9-6cae8b2ac98e" ("cb_netperf") is NOT registered (attaching VMs with any of these roles will result in error). WARNING Image id for VM roles "mysql,geronimo,client_open_daytrader": "7FAD7B49-47BE-5A90-ABAC-7C13D31D0AE7" ("cb_open_daytrader") is NOT registered (attaching VMs with any of these roles will result in error). WARNING Image id for VM roles "driver_coremark,coremark" is "dc92f2b8-e819-11e6-bcc9-6cae8b2ac98e" ("cb_coremark") is NOT registered (attaching VMs with any of these roles will result in error). WARNING Image id for VM roles "iperfserver,iperfclient" is "70b6b104-e81b-11e6-bcc9-6cae8b2ac98e" ("cb_iperf") is NOT registered (attaching VMs with any of these roles will result in error). WARNING Image id for VM roles "hadoopslave,hadoopmaster" is "5e8d0822-e81e-11e6-bcc9-6cae8b2ac98e" ("cb_hadoop") is NOT registered (attaching VMs with any of these roles will result in error). WARNING Image id for VM roles "ddgen" is "98bee3fc-e81a-11e6-bcc9-6cae8b2ac98e" ("cb_ddgen") is NOT registered (attaching VMs with any of these roles will result in error). WARNING Image id for VM roles "btest": "C4BA42BC-BEF3-539F-AF98-D10D95204902" ("cb_btest") is NOT registered (attaching VMs with any of these roles will result in error). WARNING Image id for VM roles "unixbench": "91CA36BC-D6D8-56B8-83AF-50D44AB917E2" ("cb_unixbench") is NOT registered (attaching VMs with any of these roles will result in error). WARNING Image id for VM roles "specjbb" is "16591610-e81c-11e6-bcc9-6cae8b2ac98e" ("cb_specjbb") is NOT registered (attaching VMs with any of these roles will result in error). WARNING Image id for VM roles "postmark": "58A980CA-77D5-53E7-9BD3-4F969435A479" ("cb_postmark") is NOT registered (attaching VMs with any of these roles will result in error). WARNING Image id for VM roles "linpack" is "f78fd2f4-e81c-11e6-bcc9-6cae8b2ac98e" ("cb_linpack") is NOT registered (attaching VMs with any of these roles will result in error). WARNING Image id for VM roles "mongos,redis,mongodb,mongo_cfg_server" is "0b4e5740-e81b-11e6-bcc9-6cae8b2ac98e" ("cb_ycsb") is NOT registered (attaching VMs with any of these roles will result in error). WARNING Image id for VM roles "cn_hpc,fen_hpc" is "ebe6200e-e81a-11e6-bcc9-6cae8b2ac98e" ("cb_hpcc") is NOT registered (attaching VMs with any of these roles will result in error). status: VMC "RegionOne" was successfully tested.

The OSK cloud named "TESTOPENSTACK" was successfully attached to this experiment. The experiment identifier is EXP-03-23-2017-01-22-56-PM-UTC

############################# Executing command "vmcattach all" (specified on the configuration file)

status: Removing all VMs previously created on VMC "RegionOne" (only VM names starting with "cb-rdu37-RDU37")..... status: VMC RegionOne (7A5BB013-DE73-5678-9D4C-0A1A068973F9) was successfully registered on OpenStack Cloud "RDU37" status: Starting a new Host OS performance monitor daemon ( status: Host OS performance monitor daemon ( started successfully. The process id is ['30590'] (using ports 8637 and 8737).

All VMCs successfully attached to this experiment. (TESTOPENSTACK)

      Please note, early in the CBTOOL startup process, the message ```Checking "File Store".....A File Store of the kind "rsync" (private) on node, TCP port 10000 seems to be running.```. CBTOOL by default start an rsync server, according to the parameters ```HOSTNAME``` and ```PORT``` under the section ```[FILESTORE]```. By default, the port is ```10000``` and hostname is the value of the attribute ```MANAGER_IP```, under the section ```[USER-DEFINED]```.

cbuser@klinux:~/cbtool$ rsync --list-only rsync://
drwxrwxr-x          4,096 2017/03/01 13:30:38 .
-rw-r--r--      1,454,080 2014/02/18 17:48:36 coremark_v1.0.tar
-rw-r--r--     30,918,225 2015/05/08 16:28:03 l_lpk_p_11.3.0.004.tgz
-rw-rw-r--            741 2017/03/01 13:11:21 manually_download_files.txt
-rw-r--r--     14,325,760 2017/02/01 17:45:07 pb2.5benchmarks-2.tgz
-rw-r--r--    764,856,320 2017/02/01 17:45:26 pb2.5datasets_standard-2.tgz
-rw-r--r--        256,000 2017/02/01 17:45:26 pb2.5driver.tar
  1. Optional, but highly recommended: Build all the workloads from Dockerfiles

    The automated image building mechanism used by CBTOOL can be executed against VMs, Containers (Docker and LXD), or even VMs. However, it extracts the actual commands used to install the dependencies directly from Dockerfiles. Therefore, it is always a good idea to try to build all the Virtual Application types (workloads) from its original Dockerfiles first. This manner, in case of successful build run, there is a high degree of probability that the building of the actual workload images, be it on VMs, Containers or Bare-metal will work.

    Assuming that the Docker engine is co-located with the CBTOOL Orchestrator Node, just execute :

cd cbtool/docker ./ -r

    In case node running the Docker engine is differente from the CBTOOOL Orchestrator Node, you will have to copy the ```cbtool/docker``` directory to there, and the add an additional parameter to the execution:

cd cbtool/docker

For instance, using the previously mentioned CBTOOL Orchestrator Node, we will have, for a non-colocated Docker engine:

cd cbtool/docker
./ -r <myrepository> --rsync 

Typically, the building of Docker images for all Virtual Application types takes around 1 hour.

  1. Build images for the rest of the Virtual Application types:

    At this point we: a) downloaded all the third-party requirements that required manual intervention, b) made it available through an rsync server running on the CBTOOL Orchestrator Node and c) checked that all images can be built from Dockerfiles. We can now proceed to the other images.

    For instance, to create an image for the "iperf" VApp (typeshow iperf for more information), use this new already created "nullworkload" image as a base (this is highly recommended, albeit not strictly necessary), restart the previously described procedure, skipping directly to step 2.3 (i.e. vmattach check:cb_nullworkload:ubuntu:iperf, login and run the install command, followed by vmcapture youngest cb_iperf)

  2. When done, exit the CBTOOL cli, and re-execute it forcing a re-read of the configuration file cb --soft_reset (--hard_reset could also be used).

NEXT STEP: Proceed to the section [Run simple experiments] (

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